How many steps are the most auspicious? How many steps can make a fortune? Collect the home built house quickly- Home geomancy - install Yiwang

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How many steps are the most auspicious? How many steps can make a fortune? Collect the home built house quickly!

From: Date: 2019-10-08 14:22:38
In the decoration of self built houses, we need to pay attention to all aspects of the decoration. Both external and internal decoration needs to be strictly designed and controlled. Of course, we must pay attention to feng shui. From the placement of lamps to the design of the overall courtyard, how many steps are the most auspicious? Let's have a look!

No matter what type of decoration, you must pay attention to matters related to feng shui. Many seemingly inconspicuous places may have a certain impact on the fortune, then The design of the gate steps is most auspicious What about? Now let's follow suit and have a look!

 Design sketch of mixed porch decoration

A few steps in front of the main entrance

1. For rural areas, it is generally about three floors. Of course, it depends on the location. If the location is low, it is recommended to use five floors to show the high-end atmosphere of the house. According to relevant regulations, the number of outdoor steps is 3-19. People are used to walking left and right, at least three steps, and at most 19 steps. If there is more, a rest table must be designed. People can take a rest with flat steps to relieve fatigue and continue to move forward. The number of outdoor steps Feng Shui requires that the Anyang residence must be an odd number, an odd number is yang, and an even number is yin.

2. If the steps are three layers, they will be easier to walk up, more comfortable and coordinated with the environment. If two steps are better, two steps are better. However, in ancient times, people talked about geomancy. In religious temples and government offices, they usually used singular numbers; But in the folk, it is usually even numbers, because even numbers are folk blessings; In addition, the height and width of each layer of the steps are customized. "The width is determined from eight inches five minutes to one foot, and the thickness is determined from four inches to five inches" in the Code of Engineering Practice of the Ministry of Industry, which is a customization that can not be broken through in the past dynasties.

What are the characteristics of Fengshui on the steps of the gate

1. For this layout, we must pay attention to safety and not too high when building, so we should try to ease the design of stairs, so that people can really have a good mood when entering the door, and when the steps are not too high, they will not create some obstacles, This is of great benefit to the permeability and air circulation of the whole family.

2. In addition, the whole steps should not be decorated too much. The area should be clean and tidy so as not to attract too much attention. At the same time, there will not be some children who like to play here. This can let people walk in peace of mind, thus avoiding some accidents. This can better ensure the safety of family members in and out. Therefore, the design should be as simple as possible, which is the best.

3. For the understanding of steps, it is mainly divided into life, prosperity, death, four, two and six are the most auspicious. If your home has six steps, that's it; You can see that the last one is Sheng Wang.

 Interior staircase decoration effect drawing

Fengshui taboo of gate position

1. The two gates are opposite

Modern buildings often have two opposite gates. If the two gates are the same size, there is no problem. However, if it is village houses and bungalows, there is a chance that one of the two gates is large and the other is small, and the other is relatively small.

2. The top of a staircase or ramp facing the lower floor

If you open the door, you will see the scene of retreat, which is called "retreat" in geomancy, it will make it difficult to accumulate wealth. Even if you make money, it will also come and go; If there is a small platform in front of the stairs, the problem is not too serious, but many old buildings often have no steps in their architectural design. Once the door is opened, they are facing the stairs down. In this case, we must resolve it.

Five emperors' coins (coins cast during the reign of the five most prosperous emperors in the Qing Dynasty) can be placed at the marble threshold to ensure peace as a solution.

3. Gate to elevator

The elevator is a fire. When the elevator runs up and down, it will drive the airflow. If the gate is facing the elevator, the airflow in front of the house will be particularly strong, but the strong airflow may not have an impact, mainly depending on whether the gate is in the peak position. If it is prosperous, the elevator can multiply the positive power, which is very good for home transportation; However, if it is not in a prosperous position, the elevator will generally bring bad breath, which will affect the health and financial fortunes of family members.

To distinguish whether the gate is in the peak position, it can be judged according to the annual sky flying star map. Note that the sky flying stars will shift their positions every year. Therefore, it is not surprising that the position of the gate in the year may be auspicious, but it may be ominous in the next year.

If the gate is in the auspicious position, it is not necessary to make any special solution, but can enjoy its success; However, if you are in a vicious or ordinary position, you can hang a mirror outside the door to reflect evil spirit.

4. Gate to garbage slot

The gate is facing the garbage slot. This situation will make the filth rush into the house. In addition to weakening the wealth of family members, their career will also be greatly affected. Remember to always close the door of the garbage chute to prevent the foul gas from rushing into the house. You can also use incense or sandalwood to dispel the smell.

The above is what we have installed Yiwang to share with you How many steps are the most auspicious I hope it will help you!

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