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The first batch of bonded biofuel refueling business for international navigation ships landed in Guangzhou [Detailed]

2023-09-09 14:38:03

The accumulated water in the culvert of Xinjiao West Road has been drained [Detailed]

2023-09-09 14:37:06

Is the morning sunny? There may be another rainstorm in Guangzhou in the afternoon [Detailed]

2023-09-09 14:43:02

Guangzhou City and Longyan City have signed 30 key cooperation projects with a total investment of more than 40 billion yuan [Detailed]

2023-09-09 14:30:17

Failing to notify the owner in time to move the car, the property bears 20% of the loss of "water soaked car" [Detailed]

2023-09-09 10:36:30

"The Most Beautiful Teacher" Broad Newspaper Focuses on "The Most Beautiful" [Detailed]

2023-09-09 10:30:34

Guangzhou held exchange training class on public civilization guiding volunteer service [Detailed]

2023-09-09 10:37:51

As of 17:50, temporary bypass or short line dispatching measures were still taken for 8 bus lines in Guangzhou urban area [Detailed]

2023-09-08 20:34:58

Overwarning flood in some rivers in Guangzhou caused by "sea anemone" [Detailed]

2023-09-08 20:37:45

On Saturday, there was a local rainstorm in Nansha, Panyu, and on Sunday, it gradually turned to shower in Guangzhou [Detailed]

2023-09-08 20:41:14

A section of the wall of Yuyin Mountain House in Panyu was washed down by rain, and the cultural relics were not affected [Detailed]

2023-09-08 19:29:48

When giving birth during the period of receiving unemployment insurance benefits, you can apply for one-off additional unemployment benefits [Detailed]

2023-09-08 19:43:48

When rainstorm strikes, people in Guangzhou may apply for temporary assistance if they have basic living difficulties due to disasters [Detailed]

2023-09-08 17:39:45

When will the heavy rain stop? The meteorological observatory predicts that Guangzhou will still "fail" at the weekend [Detailed]

2023-09-08 17:39:00

The maximum subsidy is 5000 yuan! A new round of Tianhe coupons is coming [Detailed]

2023-09-08 17:36:35

Ma Jianxiong, Director of the Department of Cuisine and Health of Guangzhou Tourism and Business Vocational School: dedicated to polishing the brand of Guangdong cuisine vocational education [Detailed]

2023-09-08 15:38:04

For 9 consecutive hours, firefighters transferred and rescued more than 200 people in Panyu [Detailed]

2023-09-08 15:49:29

The number of Guangzhou Shenzhen intercity trains has been updated, and the high-speed trains at Guangzhou South Railway Station have not been suspended late [Detailed]

2023-09-08 15:29:58

Meet the storm! From 20:00 on September 7 to 10:00 on September 8, Guangzhou fire rescue and evacuation of 221 trapped people [Detailed]

2023-09-08 15:46:41

Security Science Popularization: Beware of "Big Risks" in "Small Space" [Detailed]

2023-09-08 14:48:54

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