Four wheel electric vehicles run the "yellow" light at the intersection and are hit by a car- Replay network

Four wheel electric vehicles run the "yellow" light at the intersection and are hit by a car!

2023-09-12 10:35:59 Source: Yangtze Evening News

(Data picture)

On September 12, the Yangtze Evening News website (correspondent Jiang Gongxuan and reporter Mei Jianming) said, "Stop at the red light, go at the green light, wait for the yellow light!" This is a traffic rule jingle. However, some drivers, when passing the intersection, selectively forgot and thought that the yellow light could be snatched, which resulted in great disaster and regret!

Recently, at the Zhengfang intersection of Jiangning Jiangning General in Nanjing, an electric four-wheel vehicle was speeding through the intersection from east to west when it ran through the yellow light, and collided with a small car passing through the intersection from north to south. The accident caused damage to two vehicles. Fortunately, there were no casualties.

The picture shows the scene where two cars collided

After receiving the alarm, the police of Moling Traffic Police Squadron in Jiangning rushed to the scene for disposal. After investigation, the police learned that when the driver of the electric four-wheel vehicle came to the intersection, he did not slow down and stop at the yellow light, but chose to ignore it and continue to go straight from east to west. At this time, the car went straight from north to south at the same intersection and did not notice the situation on the left side of the road in time. As a result, the electric four-wheel vehicle directly hit the car with a bang.

In the end, the police determined according to law that the driver of the electric four-wheel vehicle robbed the yellow light to pass the intersection, which was the direct cause of the accident, and he should bear full responsibility.

It is reported that the yellow light, as a transitional signal light, serves as a warning to remind the driver that the signal light is about to change. When the yellow light is flashing, it is easy to cause traffic accidents.

The police here remind that "running the yellow light" is really dangerous. A little carelessness may lead to a big disaster. You must obey the laws and regulations whenever you want, and don't take any chances!

Checked by Li Haihui

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