Pretend to look for express delivery, but actually steal. Men "go" express nearly 100 pieces a month - rebroadcast

Pretend to look for express delivery, but actually steal. Men express nearly 100 pieces in a month

2023-09-12 09:38:14 Source: Yangtze Evening News

(Related data drawing)

On the morning of September 8, a courier in the area under the jurisdiction of Qidong Yinyang Police Station reported that he often threw express delivery to the guard in the dormitory area of the Seaboat Factory in the past month, hoping that the police station could help find it.

After receiving the police, the police of the police station immediately carried out the search and arrangement work. By means of police network integration and other means, a suspicious looking man was found at noon that day. The police then went to the person for a cross examination. The person claimed to be Mr. Chen, who looked flustered and could not answer the police's questions. The police followed Mr. Chen to his dormitory and found a large number of express goods suspected of being involved in the case, Chen then admitted that he had stolen nearly 100 pieces of various express delivery services in the past month.

After interrogation, Mr. Chen, 42 years old, is an electric welder in the shipyard. He just started work in early August. When he passed the express station every day, he found that there was no monitoring and no special person to take care of him. So he was lucky. He was greedy for small things. Since August, Mr. Chen has pretended to look for express delivery almost every day and "shoplifted" several pieces of express delivery. In the past month, he stole more than 100 pieces of express delivery, It is worth more than 3000 yuan.

At present, Chen has been taken compulsory measures, and the case is being further handled.

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