Be careful when answering strange calls, but the court's stolen phone call cannot be rejected - rebroadcast network

Be careful when answering strange calls, but the court's return phone call cannot be rejected

2023-09-08 12:48:37 Source: Yangtze Evening News

(Data picture)

On September 8 of Yangzi Evening News (correspondent Li Yu, Zhou Jing, reporter Wang Guozhu), "I had no hope at all. I didn't expect you to do your utmost to help me recover my losses. You are really good policemen who do practical things for the people!" At about 5 p.m. on September 5, Ms. Wang, a citizen of Jiangyan, Taizhou, would write on one side, "People's public servants are very quick to solve cases" The banner was sent to the Tianmu Mountain Police Station of Jiangyan Branch of Taizhou Public Security Bureau to express the gratitude of the police for their damage.

In February this year, Ms. Wang received a strange text message saying that a loan has low interest rate, no mortgage, and fast loan. Interested parties can add WeChat to understand. At that time, Ms. Wang was in urgent need of money, so she added "customer service" WeChat and downloaded the relevant APP according to the other party's guidance. When Ms. Wang intended to apply for a loan, the other party successively requested Ms. Wang to transfer money for reasons such as "verification of repayment capability" and "account freeze due to wrong bank card number". Ms. Wang believed it and transferred 58000 yuan to the other party.

But later, "customer service" asked Ms. Wang to continue to transfer money on the ground that she needed to pay the deposit. At this time, Ms. Wang finally realized that she had been cheated, so she called the police for help. After receiving the report, the police immediately stopped the payment of relevant accounts and frozen them for investigation.

With the efforts of the police, the suspect Chen was captured by Fujian police in late April this year. It is learned that according to the relevant evidence provided by the police in Jiangyan, Taizhou, the court returned the suspect's stolen money in proportion, and Ms. Wang could receive 26000 yuan.

However, on August 21, the Tianmu Mountain Police Station received a phone call from a Fujian court staff, asking the police to contact Ms. Wang for help. It turned out that Ms. Wang listened to the anti fraud propaganda of the police after being cheated, and since then she has resolutely refused to answer strange calls, and all other numbers have refused to answer, so the Fujian court could not tell her about the return of stolen money.

After learning about the situation, Mao Guoyong, the deputy director, immediately found Ms. Wang and praised her for not trusting strange phones. At the same time, he explained the cause of the incident in detail to dispel her concerns. In the afternoon, with the help of the police, Ms. Wang successfully contacted the Fujian court and submitted personal information such as bank account.

On September 4, Ms. Wang received a refund of 26000 yuan according to the relevant return procedures. In order to thank the police for their hard work, Ms. Wang specially made a banner and sent it to the police station the next afternoon, and said that she and her family would take a warning and would not be cheated again.

Police tip: Do not trust various loan advertisements on various phones, SMS, APP and social networking sites. Network loans that need to pay deposits, unfreezing funds and other fees in advance are fraud! In case of being cheated or encountering suspicious situations, immediately call 110 for alarm or 96110 for consultation.

Checked by Xu Heng

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