Which country's brand is Deshen? How many brands is Dexian in South Korea- Replay network

Which country's brand is Deshen? How many brands is Dexian in South Korea?

2023-07-07 14:17:28 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

Which country's brand is Deshen

THESAEM is a cosmetics brand from South Korea. It was officially launched in South Korea in July 2010 and entered the Chinese market in March 2012.

What are the brands of Deshen in South Korea

Middle and low end line

"The saem is a popular brand in South Korea, which is a middle and low end brand in South Korea. For example, the Snow Show is a relatively high-end brand in South Korea, while the positioning and price of the saem's products are similar to those of the Biyue Shifengyin and Aili Hut."

[Editor in charge: h001]

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