What brand is EVISU? How many brands is evisu- Replay network

What brand is EVISU? How many brands is evisu?

2023-06-07 16:46:18 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What brand is EVISU

Japanese denim brands

"Evisu is a Japanese denim clothing brand, which was founded by Yokohama designer Kazuhiro Otsuka in 1991. Evisu's feature is to express the traditional Japanese denim clothing culture with fine embroidery and fine details."

Evisu counts several brands

High end grade. The founding period of EVISU brand coincided with the great popularity of VINTAGE JEANS. EVISU became the representative of the late 501s. The original classical jeans elements and fashionable street style made it quickly become famous and become the top jeans brand in Japan.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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