"Double 11" will be released to Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau for consumption tips - rebroadcast

"Double 11" will be released to Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision Bureau for consumption tips

2022-11-04 08:19:39 Source: Huashang

The "Double Eleven" and "Double Twelfth" are coming, and various e-commerce platforms and businesses have set off a promotional boom with various activities. In order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of consumers at the peak of online shopping, Shaanxi Provincial Market Supervision Administration issued the following consumption tips.

Choose regular e-commerce to ensure the safety of online shopping. When shopping online, consumers should choose an e-commerce platform with complete qualifications, large business scale and guaranteed after-sales service, and choose merchants with high reputation, good evaluation, guaranteed price and seven days' unreasonable return commitment.

Be familiar with sales promotion rules and consume scientifically and rationally. We should rationally face the new forms of sales such as "live broadcast with goods", "online celebrity with goods" and "star with goods". Before shopping, we should fully understand the platform, the promotion rules of merchants, and the function, quality and effect of goods. We should not blindly follow the trend of buying, not excessively stock up, and consume rationally according to our own actual needs.

Pay attention to the price dynamics, and be alert to the clear drop and real increase. In all kinds of activities of full discount and red envelope, we should keep sober, understand the market price of goods in advance, pay attention to the price change of goods, verify the authenticity of the discount, compare prices, be alert to price traps such as "clear drop and real increase", find out the paid price, and then choose whether to buy, so as to consume clearly and save money truly.

Ensure transaction security and guard against information leakage. Pay attention to the security of personal account information and properly protect various account passwords when shopping through websites, APPs or applets on formal e-commerce platforms in a secure network environment. Do not click on unknown links, do not use third-party payment guarantee transactions, do not deal privately with sellers, do not trust, do not accept any direct transfer, remittance to personal accounts requirements, to prevent property losses.

Save the consumption voucher for convenient and timely rights protection. Attention should be paid to the preservation of original shopping vouchers, such as shopping invoices, online order records, chat records with merchants, promotional materials of merchants, etc., in case of consumption disputes, there should be sufficient evidence to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests. In case of consumption disputes, consumers can negotiate with merchants or trading platforms first. If the negotiation fails, complaints can be made through the APP, WeChat official account, WeChat and Alipay applet of the "National 12315 Platform" or by calling the 12315 hotline.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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