What is the screen size of Apple mobile phone? What's the reason for Apple mobile phone charging hot- Replay network

What is the screen size of Apple mobile phone? What's the reason for Apple mobile phone charging hot?

April 25, 2023 14:11:45 Source: Taiyuan Hotline

What is the screen size of Apple mobile phone?

IPhone 1. 3.5 inch 320 × 480 pixels.

IPhone 2 (iPhone 3G). 3.5 inch 320 × 480 pixels.

IPhone 5s. 4-inch 1136x640 pixels.

What's the reason for Apple mobile phone charging hot?

1. It is normal for iPhone to get hot when charging, especially when using 20W or 30W fast charging.

2. It will generate heat when charging with a non original charger.

3. When charging, I still use my mobile phone, such as playing games and making phone calls.

4. If many programs are started in the background, it may also cause the phone to heat up.

5. The protective case of the phone prevents heat dissipation.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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