Shopee sellers have an annual sales of nearly 5 million dollars, and full trusteeship helps Sunrise with thousands of orders - rebroadcast network

Shopee sellers have an annual sales of nearly 5 million dollars, and the full trusteeship helps Sunrise with thousands of orders

2024-05-08 10:38:44 Source: Today's Hotspot

From mobile phone accessories such as mobile phone cases, chargers, Bluetooth headsets, to various computer office supplies such as speakers, computer monitors, etc., 3C electronic products with huge traffic continue to sell well around the world, and with the help of market dividends, sales of many excellent sellers have soared.

Among them, Shenzhen Keweitianxia Trading Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Keweitianxia") settled in Shope flat At the back of the stage, a number of products entered the top 10 category and won Nearly $5 million in annual revenue.

Sellers settle in Shopee, which can be leveraged in one year Nearly $5 million in revenue

In 2017, it can be officially established for the world. It is mainly engaged in cross-border e-commerce export business, and its founders We always recognize the broad development prospects of 3C category and regard it as the main business, focusing on selling products including consumer electronics, computer office and mobile phone accessories, and turning rich work experience and market insight into entrepreneurial power.

In December 2021, you can start the "battle" for the world flat Taiwan, once again cut into Southeast Asia and Latin America from the 3C field that has been deeply cultivated for several years.

Shopee flat Wu Xia, the person in charge of Taiwan, pointed out: "The penetration rate of e-commerce in Southeast Asia is relatively low compared with the European and American markets, which indicates that the region has great development potential, especially in In the years after the epidemic, the e-commerce market in Southeast Asia grew more rapidly. At the same time, the Latin American market has also shown good prospects for development. " After in-depth investigation of several major e-commerce businesses in Southeast Asia flat Shopee can be found for the world behind the stage flat Taiwan has a leading position in market share and a unique flow advantage. Therefore, choose to reside in Shopee flat Taiwan has become an inevitable decision.

Having seen the growth potential and broad prospects of the Brazilian market, we can decide for the world to first enter the Latin American market and then enter the Southeast Asian market. This strategy has achieved remarkable results in just two months, and the company has quickly obtained stable orders.

After that, you can be in Shopee for the world flat platform Along the way, many of its products have been listed in the 3C category Top10. In 2023, the sales reached $4.85 million, while the overall annual sales of the company was $15 million flat Taiwan's revenue accounts for the company Total revenue Nearly one third.

Can enter Shopee for the world flat The time of Taiwan is not early, but it can stand out and achieve the success of the latecomers. The operation strategy and excellent operation behind it undoubtedly provide many valuable experiences worth learning for the seller's peers.

What a skill! The seller stands out in the 3C track

Disassembly can be a "growth flywheel" for the world's performance. It can be found that it has its own unique "sales order methodology" in product research, target consumer behavior insight, sales model building, etc.

Wu Xia introduced that the company has conducted a lot of market tests and research in the field of consumer electronics. The main consumer groups of consumer electronics products are concentrated between 20 and 30 years old, and the overall trend is young. These young groups are the main audience of the company.

Consumers at different sites have different consumption preferences. Consumers in Southeast Asia tend to be younger, so they may prefer products with lovely style and fresh elements, while Latin American consumers prefer products with business style. According to this situation, when promoting products for the world, we will develop some different styles on the product pictures according to the preferences of consumer groups in each market. The product price positioning was also determined after detailed market observation and consideration. For example, the seller's product price for the Philippines market usually does not exceed 300 Philippines Currency; Buyers in Latin America consume water It is relatively high, generally higher than that in Southeast Asia Total water Ping.

At the same time, it can focus on "fast and accurate" in product selection and sales. Once a product is found to have outstanding performance in the early stage, it will immediately feed back to the supply side and the market department, so as to track the source factory, quickly open up the upstream and downstream supply chain, and ensure that the product Obvious cost performance advantage; The operation team keeps an eye on the market dynamics so as to take corresponding measures in a timely manner.

After a series of carefully planned and executed operations, we can succeed in Shopee flat Stand out on the stage and bring consumers many highly competitive products. Among them, many commodities even sold out of stock, steadily occupying the leading position in various purposes. A typical example is the loss prevention device independently developed and sold by the company, which is particularly eye-catching in the market.

Wu Xia introduced that this anti loss device is small in design, accurate in positioning and extremely light in weight. It can be easily hung on the key ring or used as a pet accessory. In fact Sex and portability Sex is deeply loved by consumers, meeting the market's demand for convenient and safe life. Because of this, this product is available in Shopee flat Vietnam, Malaysia and Brazil of Taiwan have successfully ranked in the top ten of category sales, with sales of thousands of pieces per month, making remarkable achievements.

Thousands of full trusteeship sunrise orders, the company needs to increase the number of flat Set input

Although it is already in Shope flat Taiwan has made good achievements, but the company wants to seek broader development space in Southeast Asia and Latin America, so it resolutely sets about promoting self built factories, expanding categories, expanding recruitment teams, localization layout and other matters.

"At present, 3C digital has a good momentum of development, but there are also some objective challenges. Consumers tend to flat Price comparison between platforms to pursue the best cost performance. In order to effectively deal with this market phenomenon and reduce potential risks, the company is actively promoting the integrated production and marketing operation strategy. " Wu Xia revealed that the company started to set up the factory in 2023, and now it has entered the stage of perfection, and has invested more than a dozen products in self production. At the same time, while adhering to the 3C category, smart home products are regarded as the second growth curve of performance. Unlike ordinary consumer electronics products, these products usually require certain professional barriers, which are difficult for ordinary sellers to enter easily, and can further create competitive advantages for the company.

In order to further develop the Southeast Asia and Latin America markets, the company is continuously committed to understanding the local culture and consumer needs, so as to better realize the localization layout of products. In 2024, expanding the localization performance layout will also become a key direction for the world.

At the same time, the company firmly believes that flat The development of the platform can accumulate more energy, so we continue to increase the energy in Shopee flat The investment of the platform expands the Shopee team.

Wu Xia has always maintained positive communication with the customer manager and always paid attention to Shopee flat The latest developments of the platform and respond quickly flat New services and new sites launched by Taiwan. In 2023, when Shopee flat When Taiwan launched the full custody business, it could quickly join the world, fully demonstrating its commitment to flat Taiwan's firm trust. This "unconditional belief flat The "Taiwan" strategy has achieved remarkable results. At present, the daily average order volume of the full custody business has reached 3000 to 4000. This year, the full custody business will continue to be one of the company's key promotion projects, helping the world stand out in the fierce market competition.

The Red Sea is not red, and every category has huge business opportunities

To sum up, it can be used in Shopee flat The opening of the platform is not an accident, but the result of its careful consideration and precise implementation.

From deep market segmentation, to accurate market research, to localized operation strategies, and efficient supply chain integration, each step demonstrates the professionalism of high-quality sellers. These seem to Common steps, once again proved by the market, are the key to success.

In the current cross-border e-commerce market, each category also contains huge business opportunities.

The Red Sea is not red. Even in the eyes of people, the "Red Sea" market, such as the "3C traditional category", still has great potential to explore. Leading brands such as Anker and Jermet have proved this, while many niche brands and factory owners in the industry chain have also found their own success path by virtue of in-depth understanding and research on the terminal market, and Weixia is the best in these success cases.

At the same time, the blue ocean category is also constantly miraculous, and the smart home track that can be determined to vigorously layout for the world will continue to run well game player. It can also be found that the development strategy of "taking a firm foothold in one category, then starting to develop another blue ocean track with great potential, multi track and acting on the company to create greater performance", which can be pursued by the world, is exactly what many companies are doing at present.

All kinds of overseas sellers combine their own Director, find a suitable "gold digging" place in the appropriate categories. Not surprisingly, there will be more Chinese brands in Shope flat The stage is coming to the fore.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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