New phenomenon of integrated car and travel marketing, innovative travel and driving events - "Everest action · peak witness" - rebroadcast network

New phenomenon of car travel integration marketing, innovative travel driving event - "Everest action, peak witness"

2024-03-07 09:44:53 Source: Eastnet

On February 28, iCAR 03 was launched globally, creating momentum for the global launch, and Chery iCAR Automotive joined hands China Travel Agency The self driving travel branch of the Association organized a travel marketing event with the theme of "Everest Action · Summit Witness". On the 28th, in the video connecting the iCAR Beijing launch conference with Everest, the iCAR owner Wang Xiang said that after this high altitude and multi terrain travel experience, the iCAR 03 that can withstand the test of Everest will have nowhere to go.



[Young communities should have trendy communication methods]

With the growing prosperity of the new energy vehicle market, young consumers have gradually become the main force in this field. They pursue fashion and individuality Performance, for the vehicle Performance and quality have higher requirements. In this context, Chery iCAR 03 is positioned as a "car for young people". Compared with the test drive scene in the city, "car" and "tourism" have a highly integrated user group, and more than 70% of free travelers choose self driving travel. Bringing the test drive scene into the beautiful scenery can more impress the young people who are "in the city and in the field". This new generation of young people is determined to forge ahead, and they care more about whether "I" is different and whether "I" is unique. ICAR has a deep insight into users' needs, organizes Everest travel and driving activities from users, and leads users to pursue the ultimate experience of "the peak of life for once".

ICAR also actively uses new media such as social media and short videos flat To interact with young users. Attract new users and activate old users by publishing interesting challenge videos and inviting popular KOL to experience driving. This activity has also accumulated a large number of user word-of-mouth and social media exposure for iCAR 03, which has successfully improved the brand's recognition and goodwill among young consumers.


[Get the ultimate experience in the ultimate scene]

Everest, as the roof of the world, its high altitude, complex and changeable terrain and climate have set insurmountable obstacles for any challenger. However, it is in such an extreme environment that Chery iCAR 03 and the car owners driving iCAR show their extraordinary strength and courage. They fought against physical discomfort at high altitude, driving the iCAR 03 across the snow covered plateau and chasing the Yarlung Zangbo River.

This ultimate experience is not limited to driving itself. At the foot of Mount Everest, the participants felt the unprecedented relaxation and pleasure from zero distance contact with nature, enjoying the magnificent scenery and breathing fresh air. They not only found pleasure and excitement in driving, but also found inner peace and satisfaction in the journey.



[Young people have young prices]

Through live broadcast, iCAR riders on Everest jointly witnessed the peak moment of iCAR's global listing. Chery iCAR 03 launched a total of six versions, with the official guidance price of 1098-169800 yuan. This is the first time that a pure electric A-class SUV has entered the 100000 range. ICAR 03 is specially designed for young people who want to try new things. With the help of trendy square box design, unexpected control and intelligence While equal rights lead the market, they also understand the thickness of young people's wallets, and truly achieve "young people's cars have young prices". After arriving at Mount Everest, the iCAR team will continue to move forward, take the Sichuan Tibet line and return to Chengdu. The familiar route will unlock different ways of playing for the small crowd, and will cooperate with the competent departments of culture and tourism such as Ganzi Prefecture and Basu County to carry out cultural and tourism public welfare promotion activities, advocate green travel, and let love continue.


Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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