Won the two awards of "Guide to Outstanding Brand Influence of Law Firms (2023)" issued by LAWS News Agency. Why are you in Ming Dynasty law firms- Replay network

Won the two awards of "Guide to Outstanding Brand Influence of Law Firms (2023)" issued by LAWS News Agency. Why are you in Ming Dynasty law firms?

2024-03-06 13:47:16 Source: Dazhong

On March 2, the 2nd Legal Service Industry Brand Development Forum and LJ Press 2023 Annual Brand Ceremony were held in Shanghai. Beijing Zaiming Law Firm (hereinafter referred to as "Zaiming Law Firm") won two major awards, namely "Top 30 boutique brand law firms of LZSE in 2023" and "LZSE will become a brand law firm in 2023".

"The awarding of the two awards is not only the recognition and witness of the ten years of continuous practice and innovation in the Ming Law Firm, but also inspires the sense of responsibility, mission and honor of all employees in the Ming Law Firm. It also sounds the horn of struggle in 2024 and encourages everyone to continue to make progress in the new year." Yang Zaimeng, director of the Ming Law Firm, said excitedly.

Where did the "Qiushan Merit" of Ming Law Firm come from?

Different from other law firms, the expropriation and demolition cases handled by the law firms not only reflect legal issues, but also relate to the improvement of the legal awareness of the whole society and the advancement of the rule of law process. "In reality, because the power between the demolition party and the people is obviously unequal, the voice of the relocated people is easily ignored. How to win fairness for the majority of the relocated people is the most difficult problem in the practice of demolition lawyers." Yang Zaoming said.

Since its establishment in 2012, the Ming Law Firm has set the general tone of "protecting the rights of the relocated people only". Over the years, the Ming Law Firm has maintained its strategic focus, not following the trend, not daring to advance, insisted on serving the relocated people, and successfully represented one case after another with considerable social influence.

Qingdao Pingdu 3 · 21 land requisition and arson case is one of the classic cases represented by the Ming Law Firm, and it is also the first case in China that was sentenced to death for illegal violence. "After receiving the entrustment of the case, our lawyer team went deep into the local area for investigation and visit at the first time. Although we were pressured and obstructed by all parties during this period, we succeeded in winning satisfactory compensation results for the parties, and finally the case was selected as one of the top ten influential litigation cases in China in 2014." Yang Zaimeng recalled.

In addition to handling cases for clients, Ming Law Firm also actively undertakes the responsibility of popularizing the law. Since 2016, a legal live broadcast team has been set up in the Ming Law Firm, registered accounts on multiple platforms, continuously output professional legal knowledge, actively carry out the task of popularizing the law, and substantively help people solve legal problems.

At the same time, Yang Zaimeng and others also successively participated in the recording of multiple rule of law programs such as People's Rule of Law magazine, The Third Mediation Room, When the Rule of Law is in Progress, and Lawyers Help, commenting on hot topics, analyzing the latest policies, and answering audience questions. "Only by achieving 120 points of work can we produce more than expected results. In the current era when the Internet is so developed, we should really deliver the high-quality services of law firms wherever customers go." Yang Zaoming said.

It is for this reason that we have made such remarkable achievements in the Ming Law Firm step by step.

Start again and "step by step" at the Ming Law Firm

For more than ten years, the Ming Law Firm has always been responsible for "safeguarding the rights of the relocated people only". At present, the Ming Law Firm has grown from a small firm ten years ago to a large industry firm with more than 600 employees. In the long-term development process, Ming Law Firm has always regarded service quality as life. Despite his impressive achievements, Yang Zaimeng still felt that the road to promote the rule of law was long and obstructed, and that as a part of the industry ideal, Ming law firms still had a heavy burden on their shoulders.

In order to better serve the majority of relocated people, the Ming Law Firm has always adhered to the responsibility system of supervising lawyers. This system means that one supervising lawyer or partner lawyer leads several lead lawyers and paralegals to handle cases. "The support that lawyers can give clients when they handle cases alone is limited, which is far less than the comprehensive and efficient services brought by team cooperation. The responsibility system of supervising lawyers is equivalent to providing clients with a huge think tank," Yang said.

In addition to focusing on service quality, Ming firms also pay special attention to theoretical research. Up to now, the Ming Law Firm has successfully held 13 Zaiming Administrative Rule of Law Forums, and successfully launched Zaiming's brand reputation, which has been widely praised by the domestic administrative law field and society.

At the ceremony, Yang Zaiming said that in the fierce legal service market, the Ming Law Firm will continue to systematically promote brand building through various innovative paradigms and digital intelligence enabling tools, stimulate the brand vitality and intrinsic value of the Ming Law Firm, and help the construction of administrative rule of law achieve fruitful results.

In the future, the law firm in Ming Dynasty will continue to provide customers with accurate, pragmatic and efficient legal services based on a forward-looking legal perspective and the innovative spirit of deep effectiveness, help social and economic development, and create a more valuable brand in Ming Dynasty!

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[Editor in charge: h001]

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