Create brand name card of "Cold Ecological Ice and Snow Milk" Wanda Shanzhen Quality Carnival officially launched - rebroadcast network

Create brand name card of "Cold Ecological Ice and Snow Milk" Wanda Shanzhen Quality Carnival officially launched

2024-02-27 11:27:45 Source: Today's Hotspot

On February 24, the "Cold Ecological Ice and Snow Milk Wanda Mountain Quality Carnival" was launched in Wanda Plaza in Harbin, Daqing and Jiamusi for two days, aiming to bring consumers a fresh ice and snow milk feast.

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At the event site, wonderful literary and artistic performances and performing arts programs were staged in turn, bringing people audio-visual feast after feast; Traditional and modern interactive games such as lantern riddle guessing, pot throwing, push music and blind box drawing have attracted a large number of citizens to participate; The star product 1 yuan time-limited second kill and interesting award-winning Q&A activities can give participants the opportunity to win the Wanda Mountain "365 day fresh free drink award". These performances and interactive games not only increase the viewability of activities Sex and interest Sex has also improved consumers' preference for the brand, and made consumers deeply experience Wanda Mountain's brand connotation of "being loved and doing our best".

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Deputy Party Committee of Beidahuang Wandashan Dairy Co., Ltd Secretary Cui Jichen, the general manager, said that by the end of 2023, after the popularity of Harbin ice and snow tourism, Wanda Mountain's image of "cold ecological ice and snow milk" has also been deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This time, Wanda Mountain jointly launched the "Wanda Mountain Quality Carnival" in Harbin, Daqing and Jiamusi. Through the construction of the scene marketing of the three regions, we will reach more consumers, deepen the brand awareness of "cold ecology", create an influential brand name card of "ice and snow milk", and convey the brand concept of Wanda Mountain "cold ecology ice and snow milk".

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In the future, Wandashan Dairy will continue to adhere to the brand concept of "cold ecological ice snow milk", constantly innovate products and services, and bring more high-quality and healthy dairy products to consumers. At the same time, Wanda Mountain will continue to hold more colorful activities to share the happy time of ice and snow milk with consumers.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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