New Year Begins a New Journey | Wanda Shanzhen Quality Carnival is held grandly, marking the "good start" of the 2024 Dragon Year - rebroadcast

New Year Begins a New Journey | Wanda Shanzhen Quality Carnival is held grandly, marking the "good start" of the 2024 Dragon Year

2024-02-25 09:18:43 Source: Today Hotspot

On February 24, Wandashan Dairy welcomed the first large-scale carnival activity of the new year with the theme of "Cold Ecological Ice Snow Milk - Wandashan Quality Carnival". The event was launched at Wanda Plaza in Harbin, Daqing and Jiamusi for two days, aiming to bring consumers a fresh ice and snow milk feast. The event was very popular at the scene. The wonderful performances and interesting interactive games attracted the attention and participation of many consumers. There were also the product second killing and drink tasting activities of Wanda Mountain's super popular products, which started the "good start" marketing campaign of Wanda Mountain in 2024.

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The three cities jointly celebrate the Lantern Festival and learn from the "ice and snow milk"

Walking into the activity site, we saw the red door and the stage area with the words "cold ecological ice and snow milk". On both sides of the stage, Wandashan liquid milk series and milk powder series were displayed respectively; At the event site, the red carpet filled with the word "Fu" extended from the door to the stage area, delivering the blessing to the audience. On both sides of the gate, the display board of "cold, black, green and excellent" shows Wanda Mountain's unique advantages in cold ecological milk sources. At the same time, the special canal/trial drink exhibition area and the new retail/nutritional food exhibition area on both sides are available for free trial drinks for on-site consumers, so that everyone can enjoy the best quality of "cold ecological ice snow milk".

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Cui Jichen, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and General Manager of Wandashan Dairy Industry Co., Ltd. in Beidahuang, said that by the end of 2023, after the popularity of Harbin ice and snow tourism, the image of Wandashan as a "cold ecological ice and snow milk" is also deeply rooted in the hearts of the people. This time, Wanda Mountain jointly opened the "Wanda Mountain Quality Carnival" in Harbin, Daqing and Jiamusi, bringing home consumers many high-quality products, colorful cultural performances and colorful interactive games, thus creating an influential brand name card of "Ice and Snow Milk".

From "fancy customers" to giving back to home consumers, Wandashan innovates brand building with scene marketing

This carnival of quality is a useful attempt for city publicity and brand communication. It not only narrows the distance between brands and consumers, provides new ideas for brand marketing and promotion, but also injects new vitality into promoting the transformation and upgrading of brands.

During the ice and snow boom, Wanda Mountain impressed foreign tourists with its high-quality products and a series of warm services, and won the unanimous praise of the whole network. In this event, Wandashan will repay consumers in its home market with sincere quality and service. At the event site, wonderful literary and artistic performances and performing arts programs were staged in turn, bringing people audio-visual feast after feast; Traditional and modern interactive games such as lantern riddle guessing, pot throwing, and push music have attracted a large number of citizens to participate; The limited time of star products and interesting award-winning Q&A activities pushed the lively atmosphere to a climax. These performances and interactive games not only increase the attractiveness and interest of the event, but also enhance consumers' preference for the brand, and let consumers deeply experience Wanda Mountain's brand connotation of "doing what we can for what we love".

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Online and offline linkage to expand brand communication

In this event, Wandashan adopted the communication mode of offline+online linkage to expand the brand's communication volume from multiple perspectives. The three offline cities are linked to celebrate the grand ceremony. The activities held in Wanda Plaza, the core business district of Harbin, Daqing and Jiamusi, not only enhanced the scale effect of the activities, but also demonstrated the brand's influence in the northeast region. At the same time, the event invited the talent of Tiao Yin and Little Red Book to carry out offline clocking activities to save energy for communication. On line, the official media matrix of Wanda Mountain made synchronous efforts. From the social media warm-up in the early stage of the event to the grass planting and card punching in the whole network during the event, a series of communication actions strengthened the super symbol of the brand and further occupied the minds of consumers.

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This Wanda Shanzhen Quality Carnival is not only an excellent opportunity for brand display and product promotion, but also a grand event for in-depth interaction with consumers and transmission of brand culture. Through this activity, Wandashan Dairy not only successfully attracted the attention and love of many consumers, but also further improved the brand awareness and reputation. In the future, Wandashan Dairy will continue to adhere to the brand concept of "cold ecological ice snow milk", constantly innovate products and services, and bring more high-quality and healthy dairy products to consumers. At the same time, Wanda Mountain will continue to hold more colorful activities to share the happy time of ice and snow milk with consumers.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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