High protein staple food must be good for cats? Biruiji brings the answer - rebroadcast network

High protein staple food must be good for cats? Biraji brings the answer

2024-01-03 10:27:03 Source: Today's Hotspot

With the continuous improvement of living standards, more and more excrement removal officials begin to pay attention to the healthy feeding of cats. Many people will also take "protein content" as an important standard to measure the quality of cat food when selecting cat food. Although protein is the material basis and essential nutrients for cat life, is it really better to have higher protein content?

In fact, cats have short intestines, and too much protein is not good for their health. Protein must be metabolized through the liver, and its final product is then excreted from the kidney. High protein diet increases the burden of these tissues, resulting in constipation, foul stool, diarrhea and other symptoms. In addition, long-term unhealthy high protein diet will lead to excess energy, and protein will be stored in the body as fat, which will lead to cats obesity.

Therefore, the higher the protein content of cat food is, the better it is. In order to make cats eat more healthily, Biruiji has innovatively developed a natural fresh full price adult cat food. This cat food does not blindly "roll" the protein content, but is controlled within a reasonable range, suitable for protein+scientific ratio, which truly meets the health needs of cats.

The natural fresh full price adult cat food uses chicken as the main raw material, each of which is a clear flow chicken. The meat source can be traced back with ease. The meat content is up to 65%, of which fresh meat accounts for 45%, and 85% of animal protein, which can meet the daily energy needs of cats without causing excess protein in the body. With brown rice processed by non chemical process, it provides more B vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber and other nutrients to further protect cats' gastrointestinal health.

In order to help cats beautify their hair, the natural fresh full price adult cat food is specially added with imported salmon oil, which is rich in omega-3 and omega-6. It can promote the skin to produce collagen and elastin fibers, provide nutrition for hair roots and follicles, help prevent hair loss and promote hair regeneration.

In addition, this cat food is specially added with cranberry, which is rich in tannin and procyanidins. These two active nutrients can inhibit the growth of bacteria by adjusting the pH of cat's urinary tract, and maintain the health of urinary system.

As a shit shovel officer, we all want to give the best to our hairy children, but sometimes, "the best is not necessarily the most suitable". Don't think it's the best if it feels good. Biruiji natural fresh full price adult cat food allows you to feed your pet more scientifically, and only when you understand it can you love it more.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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