The world's first health tea, oil and chocolate product of Jiuzhan came out - rebroadcast

The world's first nine exhibition health tea oil chocolate products came out

2023-12-28 15:43:27 Source:

According to statistics, it is estimated that the elderly in China The population will meet Nearly 500 million. In the future, the elderly will be three high and slow Patients with gastroenteritis and constipation will be paid more and more attention. In Health China 2030 Plan Outline It is proposed that by 2030, the output value of China's mass health industry will reach 16 trillion yuan, and the development space of the mass health industry will be huge.

In China, 70% of people are in sub-health state, and 15% are in disease state. As a new industry, the health industry is in its infancy, but its development potential is huge and its scale is constantly expanding.

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Jiuzhan is the first high-tech enterprise focusing on comprehensive utilization of camellia oleifera in China. Facing the era of great health, Jiuzhan Bearing in mind the mandate of focusing on the development of the massive health industry, starting with the non prescription camellia oil products, cooperating with the innovation team of Jiangnan University, we have worked hard for a long time to transform the patented technology of "preventing three high, preventing gastroenteritis, strengthening stomach and defecating, and oil for pregnant women and children" in four years, and transform the camellia oil from liquid form to solid form through nano emulsification technology, According to the symptoms of different people with different products (with or without addition), clove and astragalus traditional Chinese medicine extracts from the same source of medicine and food can fully retain the original nutrients of tea oil in the process of nano emulsification, and develop tea oil chocolate that can protect gastrointestinal enteritis, prevent three high, strengthen stomach and defecate, and pregnant women's baby oil.

For example, patients with gastroenteritis can take two pieces of tea oil chocolate to prevent and treat gastroenteritis one day, which can reach 7-8g of tea oil one day, which can prevent and treat gastroenteritis. This can make tea oil form a protective film on the surface of gastric mucosa. White collars who drink wine for entertainment can take one piece half an hour before drinking, which is very suitable to reduce the stimulation of alcohol on gastric mucosa. Jiuzhan Tea Oil Chocolate uses high-tech patented technology to change the historical problem that tea oil is difficult to be directly imported, so that people can eat healthy, safe and delicious tea oil chocolate food just like enjoying delicious snacks. A small chocolate is also easy to carry, which is very convenient for various patients to ease the slow down Good medicine for venereal diseases.

Jiuzhan has been making contributions to the development of the health industry for a long time. After the launch of tea oil chocolate, it will continue to be put into the production and launch of tea oil emulsified drinks. Jiuzhan chose tea oil as the key to the health industry, hoping to make the national treasure tea oil known to more people and let more people know that "tea oil is a good thing". Jiuzhan has its own camellia oil base, which is the enterprise standard of camellia oil. After testing by Bonny, the enterprise standard of camellia oil, anti-aging substances squalene and vitamin E of Jiuzhan are higher than 5.3 times and 2.1 times of the national standards for excellence groups.

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Jiuzhan develops the scale of large health industry with high-quality tea oil, provides middle aged and elderly people with sub-health people with tea oil products with the same source of medicine and food, and helps patients alleviate the slow speed Sexual disease stress.

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