American imported brand "icellsbio" nutrition brand enters the mainland market and leads the trend of health care products - rebroadcast

American imported brand "icellsbio" nutrition brand enters the mainland market and leads the trend of health care products

2023-12-27 10:53:39 Source: Today's Hotspot

Recently, a nutrition brand "icellsbio" from the United States officially entered the mainland market, causing consumers' attention and heated discussion. The brand's flagship NMN30000 full effect anti-aging plant capsule, known as the "anti-aging elixir", can effectively improve the human NAD+level, thus delaying aging and improving health.


It is understood that NMN is a vitamin B derivative and a precursor of coenzyme NAD+necessary for human cell metabolism. NAD+is an important part of maintaining youth, is a coenzyme in living cells, can be used as cell fuel, and is an important process to support cell repair. However, with the increase of age, the level of human NAD+will gradually decline, leading to the decline of mitochondrial function that provides energy for cells, leading to aging. Therefore, the supplement of NMN is equivalent to the supplement of NAD+, which helps to restore the level of youth and achieve the anti-aging effect.

Icellsbio NMN30000 full effect anti-aging plant capsule is one of the NMN products with the highest purity and concentration on the market at present. For each bottle of 60 pure capsules, each capsule can reach 500 mg of NMN, and the purity can reach 99.7%. Each bottle only needs CNY1488, and the average NMN per mg only needs CNY0.496. The cost performance ratio is absolutely higher than that of the same type of products. This product is manufactured in the United States. The factory has passed the FDA and GMP specifications of the United States. In addition, it has passed the strict audit and certification of the Hong Kong Standards and Testing Center, and has obtained the high-quality "positive" seal, which proves that the quality meets the relevant local and international standards. In addition, the ingredients are 100% gluten free, not genetically modified, and quite safe.


Icellsbio NMN30000 full effect anti aging plant capsule can not only improve the level of NAD+, but also has ten health preserving effects, including preventing heart disease, improving sleep quality, enhancing DNA repair, enhancing mitochondrial function, maintaining cognitive ability, enhancing muscle strength and repairing joints, improving aging symptoms, promoting blood circulation, maintaining cognitive ability, and improving energy and endurance. This product is suitable for anyone who values health, including busy business people who have no time to maintain, people who want to improve their vitality and health, people who want to improve their sleep quality, and people who have been diagnosed with COVID-19.


According to the icellsbio brand, the product has been sold in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia and other regions, and has been praised and trusted by consumers. According to a survey of 500 users, 87.5% of respondents said they would recommend this product to their family or friends. Many users reported that after taking this product, they felt their physical functions improved, their sleep quality improved, their skin became more moist and elastic, and their mental state became more active and focused.


The icellsbio brand side said that they hope that by introducing this product into the mainland market, more Chinese consumers can enjoy the anti-aging effect of NMN, improve their health level and welcome a better life. They also said that they would continue to be committed to developing more high-quality nutrition products and providing consumers with more choices and services.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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