Changlian Health Care: Xinguan is more harmful to health in the long run than influenza rebroadcast network

Changlian Health Care: Xinguan is more harmful to health than influenza in the long run

2023-12-22 16:00:40 Source: Today's Hotspot

According to the report of British Medical News Network on December 18, a new study published in the Lancet Infectious Diseases magazine in the United Kingdom showed that compared with seasonal influenza inpatients, patients in Xinguan Hospital faced higher death and long-term health risks.

Like COVID-19, influenza virus is a enveloped RNA virus that can cause mild to severe respiratory infections. Both COVID-19 and influenza are associated with an increased risk of death and health.

Previous studies compared the later health status of hospitalized patients with COVID-19 and those with influenza. The results showed that patients with COVID-19 faced higher mortality and long-term health risks than those with seasonal influenza within 6 months after infection.

In the above new study, scientists studied the acute and long-term death risk, medical service utilization, and 94 health examination results of patients hospitalized with COVID-19 or seasonal influenza within 18 months.

The subjects included 81280 patients hospitalized with COVID-19 from 2020 to 2022 and 10985 seasonal influenza patients hospitalized from 2015 to 2019. Patient data is from the Department of Veterans Affairs healthcare database. The patients were followed up for 18 months.

The study found that the absolute mortality rate of inpatients with COVID-19 was higher than that of seasonal influenza at each detection time point. Specifically, within 540 days after hospitalization, the excess mortality rate of COVID-19 patients was 8.62% compared with influenza patients.

In the whole follow-up period of 540 days, 64 of the 94 health examination results of patients with COVID-19 showed a significant increase in health risks, including cardiovascular, blood coagulation and blood, fatigue, gastrointestinal tract, kidney, mental health, metabolism, musculoskeletal, nerve and lung examination results.

In contrast, only six influenza patients showed an increased risk, including chest pain, rapid heart rate, type 1 diabetes, and three of the four lung examination results (cough, hypoxemia, and shortness of breath).

As for the health problems of all organ systems, during the whole follow-up period, compared with influenza infection, COVID-19 infection was associated with 78.7% of the excess incidence of health problems.

At all testing time points, the risk of readmission and admission to intensive care unit (ICU) of COVID-19 patients was higher than that of influenza patients.

Before the prevalence of Delta virus strain, during the prevalence of Delta virus strain and the prevalence of Omikron virus strain, compared with influenza related hospitalizations, COVID-19 related hospitalizations were associated with increased mortality, increased health problems of all organs except lungs, and increased readmission and ICU admission probability. In all three waves of infection, the disease burden in the post acute infection stage was higher than that in the acute infection stage.

Regardless of whether patients have been vaccinated with COVID-19 vaccine and influenza vaccine, the risk of death and health caused by COVID-19 is always higher than that of influenza.

The study found that compared with hospitalized patients with influenza, patients with COVID-19 faced a higher risk of death and long-term health.

As scientists have pointed out, the long-term health outcomes of patients with influenza or COVID-19 should be carefully monitored to prevent health problems and reduce the risk of death.

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