More than 10000 examinees at Shell Hangzhou Station went to "Struggle for Learning" - rebroadcast

More than ten thousand examinees from Shell Hangzhou Station went to the "Great Learning Examination"

2023-12-21 10:06:46 Source: Today's Hotspot

From December 12 to 13, the 24th Shell Hangzhou Station "Struggle to learn" exam was held, and more than 10000 brokers from 12 new brokerage brands went to this "broker's college entrance exam". "My thousands of questions will give you no problem", improve the professional ability of brokers, and provide more satisfactory services to consumers. This is the purpose of the exam, and also the original intention of 13 years.

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A "broker college entrance exam" that has lasted for 12 years

This year, Xiao Wu, the manager of the chain house, referred to the "Great Exam of Struggle Learning" for the first time. These two days, he was earnestly studying the teaching materials. He was both eager and worried about the Great Exam of Struggle Learning: "When I came in, I heard my colleagues talk about the Great Exam of Struggle Learning, saying that it was the college entrance exam for being a broker to assess my professional ability. I also wanted to see how my professional level is now." Xiao Wu's answer seemed to be the answer to the "Great Exam of Struggle Learning" The purpose of.

The college entrance exam for learning hard started from Lianjia in 2011 and has been carried out for 13 consecutive years. As of July 2023, there are 2495660 references in total. The word "striving to learn" is derived from the value of "striving to make progress". "striving to learn" is also homonymous with "erudite", implying that brokers can continue to strive to make progress, gain profound knowledge, stand up professionally and serve consumers well.

Now, the academic achievement has become an important standard to measure the professional ability of industry brokers, and is being recognized by more and more consumers. When Aunt Zhang, a citizen, saw a broker reviewing the exam materials in the shop, she was curious at first: "How can you take the exam when you are a broker?" When she learned the context, Aunt Zhang gave a thumbs up, Zhikua said it was necessary to take the exam: "The house is a big thing for ordinary people, and we can't afford to be careless. Our professional ability must pass the exam. It is very reliable to pass the exam. I will choose a broker with high scores next time."

"My thousands of questions, change your zero problem" is not just a slogan.

The questions from practice make the exam more like a comprehensive practical assessment

The operation of the real estate brokerage industry is complex and changeable, but the degree of professionalism of brokers is generally low. How to improve the professional ability of practitioners is one of the difficulties in the development of the industry. The essence of the Great Learning Examination is to promote learning through examination. The purpose is to improve the professional ability of brokers and promote their professionalism.

Compared with the general industry exam, the exam questions of the Pok Learning Exam pay more attention to "practicality". The exam questions are all derived from actual cases, and are divided into three test question systems: buying and selling (stock housing), leasing, and new housing. The exam questions cover five major modules, including brokerage services, transaction services, real estate foundation, transaction laws, and the cultural rules of Heping Taiwan. The test questions are all scenario based cases, The examination covers real estate policies, laws, financial loans, transaction details, and even criminal law and civil code.

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Brokers will encounter various situations in the process of employment. Through thorough investigation and sorting of broker business, the comprehensiveness of the assessment is ensured. The "full range" and "multi focus" of the test questions force brokers to review comprehensively and promote the standardization of business processes. According to the different real estate policies in different cities, most of the questions in different cities have also been localized, so that the examination has more local practical significance.

Use what you learn to promote your learning. It is hoped that the big exam of Shell's hard work will become an effective supplement to the national broker exam and build the infrastructure for talent cultivation in the industry. The bottom logic is to "help people", make brokers more professional, help brokers serve consumers well, so as to promote talent upgrading and improve service quality.

It is not only an exam, but also a two-way rush of brokers to professional ability

Huang Zhiwen, the agent of Deyou Zhenjia Rhine Store, was the "No. 1 player" in the sales sequence of the last Battle Learning Test Shell Hangzhou Station. He gave all the time outside his homework to "Battle Learning", He has his own cognition about fighting learning: "fighting learning is a test of our daily professional ability, which well extracts the difficulties and blind spots we encounter in our daily operations. Through fighting learning, we can review our knowledge and see our blind spots. I think that this is the real answer to striving to learn by learning to gain professional service ability and continue to bring customer satisfaction. "

Struggle learning is not only an exam, but also a kind of certification and pursuit of professional ability. More than 10000 brokers of 12 brokerage brands in Shell Hangzhou Station have voluntarily signed up for this Struggle learning exam, which is a two-way rush for good service.

This kind of two-way rush is also reflected in the intensive study of the exam questions of the "Challenge Learning Test". Ding Yanhong, the head of the Challenge Learning Test of Shell Hangzhou Station, said: "The exam is a means, not an end. If agents really want to improve from the exam and help professional growth, our exam questions must be tailored to the needs, valuable and targeted."

It is understood that every year there will be an update of the question bank for the learning exam, and experts will be organized to compile the question bank. The most important thing here is to adjust the structure of the question bank according to the industry market and personnel structure, extract knowledge points from emerging cases, more closely match the current operating practice, and issue supporting learning courseware. Only 170000 words of learning materials for second-hand housing transactions, Help brokers to systematically learn relevant knowledge points, so that the exam becomes more valuable and more suitable for their work and progress with the times.


A valuable exam and a self inspection of professional ability make learning hard a two-way choice.

An infrastructure of the industry, an important measure to realize the professionalism of brokers

In fact, in the fighting system, in addition to the "big exam" twice a year, there are daily tests of fighting every month. In the growth system of Shell, "striving to learn" is an important measure for Shell to promote the professionalism of brokers, and Shell has created a complete system for practitioners' professionalism, including striving to learn.

Shell combines online and offline. Through the application of Xiaobei Training Ground, Shell Brokerage School APP, Huaqiao School certification, and the hard work test of promoting learning by examination, it forms an enabling closed-loop of "teaching, learning, practice, examination, and clearance", and builds the professional ability of the discipline practitioners step by step. Only by constantly driving the evolution of brokers to specialization can we improve the ecology of the entire industry and improve the service level of brokers. This is the mission of Shell and the wish of every practitioner.

My thousands of questions, for you zero question! The original intention of the 24 times of fighting study test remains unchanged! Looking at these agents who are working hard, I hope they can all get good results in "professional" exams!

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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