Changlian Health Care: No fever and cough may also cause pneumonia - rebroadcast network

Changlian Health Care: no fever and cough may also cause pneumonia

2023-12-19 15:11:47 Source: Today's Hotspot

After the treatment, the body temperature became normal, and the fever symptoms reappeared after returning home. Is it a relapse? "

In clinical practice, it is said that the child's body temperature is normal if it is stable for more than 48 hours during a course of disease; When the child's temperature is not stabilized for 48 hours, it is generally considered that the child's temperature fluctuates during the course of the disease, and the condition is not stable after treatment, so consolidation treatment is still needed; When the temperature of the child is stable for more than 48 hours and the fever occurs again, it is necessary for the doctor to conduct an interview and physical examination in combination with relevant laboratory tests to determine whether the condition is repeated or combined with infection.

"Mycoplasma, as an atypical pathogen, invades the human respiratory tract and attaches to the cell surface in the process of pathogenesis. It causes damage to the respiratory epithelium through the release of oxygen free radicals, community acquired respiratory distress syndrome toxin and other mechanisms, causing damage to the first protective membrane of the respiratory tract. At this time, children are very vulnerable to co infection with other pathogens. Recently, the incidence of influenza has gradually increased. It is recommended that all children and their families wear masks during medical treatment and wash their hands in time after returning home to avoid secondary cross infection. "

What should parents pay attention to in home care during the illness and recovery period of their children?

"Just remember the nine word home care formula of" Don't catch cold, don't accumulate food, don't touch "." In winter, children wear thick clothes, run and jump, or stay in a warm room for a long time, and are prone to sweat. When they go outdoors, they are very likely to catch cold under the impact of cold wind, and getting cold is an important incentive for illness. Therefore, at this stage, parents should pay attention to wearing clothes of reasonable thickness for their children, keep hands and feet warm and back sweatless, and abandon the concept of "mothers feel children are cold". When the child is ill, many parents are very distressed to rush to give the child a special "tonic", but during the illness, especially children suffering from pneumonia, must focus on light and digestible food. Experts remind that children suffering from pneumonia are in a state of relative hypoxia, gastrointestinal motility is affected, digestive ability will become weak, and the use of antibiotics during treatment will change the intestinal environment. In the process of illness, if you eat food that is not easy to digest, on the one hand, it is easy to have digestive tract symptoms, and on the other hand, it may aggravate the disease due to infection caused by accumulated food.

"Clinical cure is not equal to pathological cure, and pneumonia is also the same. Although the temperature has stabilized and the cough has significantly alleviated, it takes a process for airway epithelial cells and cilia to fully return to normal, and consolidation treatment in the later stage of the disease is very important. Therefore, general doctors recommend children to stay at home for 3-7 days before entering school." Some school-age and adolescent children may not take a long leave due to heavy schoolwork burden, so it is recommended to return to school after a short break, wear a mask, pay attention to less huddling, wash hands frequently and do a good job of personal protection. People who meet the vaccination conditions should complete all kinds of vaccination as soon as possible to further reduce the possibility of infection.

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