Hengchang Wealth Joins the Internet and Financial Anti fraud Alliance - Replay Network

Hengchang Wealth Joins the Internet and Financial Anti fraud Alliance

2023-12-14 16:18:08 Source: Today's Hotspot

The anthropomorphic dialogue of strange calls, fake two-dimensional codes, and mindless slogans... The anti fraud theme film "All or nothing" presents various kinds of innovative and endless fraud means to the public. In reality, anti fraud is still a heavy task for the whole society.

On December 1, on the first anniversary of the promulgation and implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Anti Telecommunication Network Fraud, Hengchang officially joined the Internet and Financial Anti fraud Alliance ("Anti fraud Alliance"). In the future, Hengchang will rely on the resources of the Alliance to cooperate with industry regulators and peer institutions, further improve customer service, strengthen personal information protection, and at the same time, through technological innovation, strive to promote the construction of a digital risk control system. While continuously enhancing the public's awareness of risk prevention, we will make every effort to build a "firewall" against fraud and protect the "pockets" of the masses.

Upgrade anti fraud service system

Financial security, prevention first. With the increasing participation of the public in the financial market, fraud cases with professional means, hidden techniques and various routines have emerged. It not only causes great damage to the property rights and interests of the masses, but also seriously endangers the normal order of the financial market.

The Anti fraud Alliance, established in 2018, is an industrial and public welfare joint organization jointly established by the Ministry of Public Security's Center for Combating and Controlling New Illegal Crimes in Telecommunication Networks and Internet and financial enterprises. The anti fraud alliance aims to promote the in-depth exchange of anti fraud experience among the members of the alliance through special training, case analysis and other forms, so as to improve the anti fraud countermeasures and resilience of enterprises. So far, more than 50 financial licensed institutions have joined in many fields, including banking, insurance, trust, consumer finance, payment, etc., and have made fruitful achievements in protecting financial consumers.

Over the past 12 years since its founding, Hengchang has successively joined China Communications Standardization Association (CCSA), China Cloud Security Alliance (C-CSA) and other industry cooperation organizations, aiming to share development ideas and enhance mutual exchanges and cooperation between industries. This time, joining the anti fraud alliance is an important link for Hengchang to fulfill its social responsibility, practice compliant and law-abiding operations, and promote product upgrading and technology upgrading. Through close cooperation with the Anti fraud Alliance, Hengchang will further strengthen the synchronization with industry regulatory policies, and deepen customer rights protection and risk management.

In addition, Hengchang also integrated anti fraud work into the whole process of daily operation, and strengthened the public's awareness of financial fraud risk prevention by building an online and offline, multi-level, wide coverage and sustainable investor education mechanism. Through holding a number of 2023 Hengchang Wealth Forums offline, and with the help of the forward-looking analysis of macroeconomic experts, top investment experts and other senior people, we help customers to deeply understand the characteristics of the financial market and products, establish a correct investment philosophy, and achieve value preservation and appreciation while ensuring wealth security.

At the same time, relying on high-quality content, it has created an online investor education position of "short video+community+live broadcast". The high-end dialogue live broadcast program "Fortune Carnival" incubated by Hengchang has now successfully held 162 episodes, inviting well-known investors and scholars in the industry to share and exchange on hot topics in the financial industry every week. Through multi-point efforts to guide customers to improve risk identification and prevention capabilities, formulate reasonable investment expectations, and build a "firewall" against fraud.

Build digital intelligence "firewall"

With the emergence of new technologies, new formats and new applications, the disclosure of personal information has given fraudsters an opportunity to accurately cheat. In daily operation, Hengchang has always attached great importance to customer information security, network security of its own products and businesses, and continued to improve the overall risk management level of the company through a lot of basic work in data security, consumer rights protection, financial fraud prevention and other aspects.

After years of innovative practice, Hengchang has successively obtained the ISO 27001 information security management system (double certification of domestic CNAS and international UKAS), ISO 9000 quality management system ISO 20000IT service management system and public security information system security level protection three-level evaluation and filing, and successfully selected as a member of the "Zhuoxin Big Data Plan" of China Information and Communication Research Institute.

Hengchang, based on the golden new decade of digital and intelligent transformation, has always been customer-centric and deepened the full value chain empowerment of "digital technology+customer service+corporate social responsibility". With the advent of big model technology wave such as ChatGPT, Hengchang also actively embraces emerging technologies and is committed to promoting the construction of digital risk control system. In November this year, Hengchang launched its own big language model - "Hengjiyuan". With the powerful scenario application capability of "Hengjiyuan", intelligent customer service and other technical products have been applied in practice, significantly improving service capabilities and operational efficiency.

In addition, Hengchang protects customers' personal privacy and ensures information security by establishing data classification and grading, data security strategies, security development specifications, and formulating and implementing corresponding management systems. At the same time, Hengchang has set up a self research "Digital Intelligence Team" with dozens of people, constantly improving the information security construction to a new height.

We will forge ahead for 12 years and forge ahead for a new journey. From the "prism" risk control system to the digital intelligence transformation and development strategy with "ABCI" as the core, Hengchang has always been committed to technological innovation, product innovation and service innovation, continuously promoting the "digital intelligence" upgrade of services, and enabling the development of technology and finance. In the future, Hengchang will continue to fulfill the social responsibility of private enterprises on the basis of integrity and innovation, build a "firewall" against fraud, and contribute to the high-quality development of the financial industry while safeguarding the wealth safety of the people.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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[Editor in charge: h001]

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