Changlian Health: Understanding Mycoplasma Pneumoniae - rebroadcast network

Changlian Health: Understanding Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

2023-12-13 15:02:45 Source: Today's Hotspot

Today we are going to talk about Mycoplasma pneumoniae. You may not be familiar with it, but it is one of the common pathogens that cause pneumonia in children and adolescents in autumn and winter. Let's learn about it!

The size of Mycoplasma pneumoniae is only 50-300 nanometers, about one fifth of a hair, but it has great power!


Transmission of Mycoplasma pneumoniae

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is mainly transmitted through droplets or direct contact, especially in closed rooms with dense personnel. The incubation period can be as long as 2-3 weeks, regardless of the strong infectivity.

All ages can be infected with Mycoplasma pneumoniae, and most of the children are school-age children (5 years old and above). In recent years, the incidence of Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection has increased, and preschool children are not uncommon.


Symptoms of mycoplasma pneumonia

► Only part of children infected with mycoplasma pneumoniae have mycoplasma pneumonia.

► After infection, common respiratory tract infection symptoms will appear at the beginning, such as cough, fever (mostly above 38 ℃), sore throat, headache and fatigue.

► Severe irritating cough may cause pneumonia and dyspnea when it develops to the lower respiratory tract.

► Severe cases may even have complications other than respiratory system, such as myocarditis, encephalitis, nephritis, etc.

During the examination, the blood routine test and CRP were basically normal, the stethoscope could not hear the obvious rale in the lungs, and the Mycoplasma pneumoniae antibody was generally negative at the early stage. In this case, it is easy to miss diagnosis.

Therefore, in case of severe cough affecting normal life, continuous moderate to high fever, chest pain, dyspnea and other symptoms, seek medical advice in time!


How to prevent mycoplasma pneumonia?

► Wear masks when going out to places where people gather.

► Wash hands frequently, ventilate more and keep clean.

► Improve the immunity of the body, pay attention to balanced diet, comprehensive nutrition, ensure adequate sleep, strengthen physical exercise, and strengthen the physique.

► If parents find that their children have fever, cough, headache, runny nose and other symptoms recently, it is recommended to go to the hospital as soon as possible to find a professional pediatrician for standard diagnosis and treatment. Only in this way can we shorten the course of disease as much as possible and avoid adverse consequences.

Finally, if you want to know more about Mycoplasma pneumoniae, you can consult your doctor or relevant health institutions. Protect yourself and others from infection, let's work together for health!

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