A successful conclusion! DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo and Aibuyu jointly draw a new picture of the future industry - rebroadcast network

A successful conclusion! DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo and Aibuyu jointly draw a new picture of the future industry

2023-12-01 18:40:14 Source: Dazhong

From November 27 to November 30, Aibuyou and DMP Grand Bay Industrial Expo jointly created a cutting-edge industrial feast. 240 thousand With an exhibition scale of square meters, more than 2200 enterprises participated in the exhibition and attracted more than 150000 professional visitors. The DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo and Acquisitions AI Smart Collection became the focus of the industry. This super large-scale industrial event provides a demonstration of the whole industrial chain for the machinery industry flat Taiwan has gathered the most cutting-edge technology and wisdom.

Generative AI empowering Aigou AI smart collection debuted

Follow the pulse of the times and build a digital intelligence innovation future. During the exhibition, Acquisitions AI smart collection activities shine in the DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo. As an exhibition innovation activity to promote the two-way exchange of business, Acquisitions AI Smart Collection aims to meet the needs of enterprises' digital transformation, and through generative AI salons, supply and demand docking walls, industrial supermarkets, cloud pavilions and other forms to connect supply and demand, open up upstream and downstream industrial chains, and marketing Trading and other aspects bring comprehensive innovation to the business model of the traditional supply chain.

High threshold for entrepreneurship? Is it difficult for enterprises to operate? Love purchase generative AI technology can solve the problems of enterprise operation and service with one click, and visitors can immerse themselves in the on-site experience of generative AI, which has powerful commercial capabilities. No human cost is required. Based on Baidu Wenxin's big model, Love Sourcing helps enterprises create stores and goods with one click, and provides 7x24 all-weather intelligent customer service online to help enterprises reduce costs and increase efficiency in long-term operation.

Industry leaders gather to talk about industrial practice

Two days before the launch, two series of forums of Baidu Love Sourcing Industry Future Conference were held in Shenzhen International Convention and Exhibition Center. Love Sourcing invited industry experts and outstanding enterprise representatives to discuss the future development trend of industry around the two major issues of new industry and new AI. From the digital transformation of enterprises to sustainable development, the guests had a deep understanding of the strong ability and foresight of Aibuyou to enable enterprise transformation The concept of sex provides solutions for solving the dilemma of enterprise transformation and upgrading.

Hey, turn the whole court! Gathering of preferred merchants of Love Sourcing

At the exhibition site, the high-quality merchants of Love Sourcing gathered to participate in the activity of lighting up the "Bay" factory lights, share the experience and feelings of the business operation of generative AI empowerment with the exhibitors, and realize the close connection between the supply and demand sides. Love Sourcing will create interaction between on-site buyers and sellers flat Taiwan, online and offline link lines, reduce communication costs, enable both buyers and sellers to talk face to face, achieve in-depth communication and cooperation, and maximize flat Taiwan value.

At present, relying on Baidu AI technology and massive search and purchase traffic, more than 350000 businesses have settled in Aigou. In this exhibition, Aigou not only brought the merchants to the scene, but also displayed a large number of high-quality merchant samples through the industrial supermarket. The purchaser can scan the code and click to directly connect to the online store, so as to fully experience Aigou's high-quality supply capacity.

Shenzhen is a place where the exhibition industry is booming. As a traditional trade scene, it has become an offline "reception hall" for cutting-edge technology display and upstream and downstream enterprise communication. As Baidu's overall solution in the B2B industry, Love Sourcing has the need to link massive search across the network flat Taiwan technology, combined with the trade traction "leading" ability of the exhibition, can bring cutting-edge customer extension technology and services to small and medium-sized enterprises, digitally empower both buyers and sellers, accelerate the supply chain cycle, and realize the comprehensive upgrade of traditional trade scenarios.

If you look for a factory, you will come to Love to purchase. All the time, Love Sourcing has responded positively The country's call to promote new industrialization and build a strong manufacturing country. Love Sourcing focuses on the offline exhibition scene. Through generative AI empowerment, it is committed to becoming a leader in promoting the transformation and upgrading of SMEs, and continues to inject fresh vitality into the digital transformation and upgrading of SMEs. We believe that the strategic cooperation between Aibu and DMP Greater Bay Area Industrial Expo will create a more intelligent, efficient and innovative future industrial ecology, which is not only for The positive response to the national call has opened a door to the digital future for SMEs.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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[Editor in charge: h001]

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