Changlian Health: Protective Measures against Mycoplasma Pneumonia - Replay Network

Changlian Health: Protective Measures for Mycoplasma Pneumonia

2023-11-23 15:42:20 Source: Today Hotspot

1、 What is mycoplasma pneumoniae?

Mycoplasma pneumoniae (MP) is the smallest prokaryotic microorganism found so far that can grow on solid culture medium in vitro and does not rely on living cells. It is neither a bacterium nor a virus. It is one of the common pathogens of acute upper respiratory tract infection, tracheobronchitis and atypical pneumonia. Due to the lack of cell wall, it is naturally resistant to antibacterial drugs acting on the cell wall, such as cephalosporins and penicillin. Mycoplasma pneumoniae infection can occur throughout the year, with a high incidence in late summer and early winter. Children and adolescents are vulnerable groups, and they are prone to outbreaks in the environment where kindergartens, primary and secondary schools and other personnel gather. In recent years, their incidence is on the rise, and has become one of the important pathogens leading to respiratory tract infection.

2、 Can mycoplasma pneumoniae be transmitted?

meeting! Mycoplasma pneumoniae infected persons and pathogen carriers are the source of infection. Mycoplasma pneumoniae is highly infectious and has a long incubation period (1-3 weeks). It is infectious from the incubation period to several weeks after symptom relief.

Mycoplasma pneumoniae is mainly transmitted through the respiratory tract. Pathogens can be carried in the oral, nasal and pharyngeal secretions when coughing, sneezing or running nose, and can be transmitted through close contact or aerosol.

3、 What are the symptoms after infection?

At the beginning of the disease, the main symptoms are dry cough, fever, sore throat and muscle pain. Infants are prone to suffocation, dyspnea and other symptoms. The serious clinical manifestation is inconsistent with the lung signs, that is, it is difficult to hear rales in lung auscultation. Severe cases can be combined with pleural effusion, atelectasis, pneumothorax, necrotizing pneumonia, etc. A few cases can develop rapidly into critical illness, and respiratory distress and respiratory failure can lead to death soon.

4、 How do I know if I am infected?

Children with fever should seek medical advice in a timely manner. Doctors can detect mycoplasma pneumoniae by serological test, mycoplasma pneumoniae nucleic acid test (mycoplasma pneumoniae DNA or RNA test) and other inspection methods, and further confirm the diagnosis by chest X-ray or chest CT.

5、 How to treat mycoplasma pneumoniae infection?

Macrolide antibiotics are the first choice, among which azithromycin is commonly used by children. According to the condition of children, 2-3 courses of treatment are used. For dry cough, which obviously affects the rest, antitussive drugs can be used as appropriate. At the same time, children with mycoplasma pneumonia should have enough rest and avoid strenuous exercise; Reasonable diet, light diet in case of high fever, easy to digest food, and balance of water and electrolyte.

Next, there is a "mysterious oriental power", that is, traditional Chinese medicine. Traditional Chinese medicine treats mycoplasma pneumonia by stages. At the initial stage, it is used to relieve exterior heat and dissipate phlegm; In the middle stage, the main treatment is clearing heat and detoxifying, regulating qi and resolving phlegm, removing stasis and dredging collaterals; During the recovery period, it is mainly to replenish qi and yin, harmonize the camp and health, and eliminate residual evils. On the basis of anti infection, combined with traditional Chinese medicine treatment, it can alleviate cough symptoms, shorten fever time and improve the prognosis.

6、 How to prevent mycoplasma pneumoniae infection?

At present, there is no targeted vaccine for mycoplasma pneumonia. If any student in the class has fever, cough and other symptoms, parents should pay attention to the following aspects:

1. Wear masks to reduce the risk of respiratory infectious diseases;

2. Wash hands frequently and keep good hygiene habits;

3. Ventilate more, take children to less crowded and poorly ventilated public places as far as possible, and open windows regularly at home and school for ventilation;

4. Strengthen exercise, eat reasonably, and let children develop correct exercise and living habits to enhance their immunity.

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