Double "benefits" create a professional sharing platform for the in-depth digital science - rebroadcast network

Double "benefits" create a professional sharing platform for the in-depth digital science

2023-11-22 15:38:42 Source: Hexun

For a long time, bill business has closely matched the demand of supply chain enterprises. Bill is not only a tool for payment and settlement, but also plays a role in credit evaluation, business decision-making and Legally protected Important role.

In recent years, with the continuous breakthrough of market infrastructure construction and the updated development of regulatory requirements, the form and rules of bill business are undergoing major changes. At the same time, the bill market mechanism, functional positioning, participants, business innovation, regulatory policies and other aspects are also facing enormous challenges and changes. As a leading enterprise serving the bill market, while continuously improving its bill service capability, Shenzhen Digital Science Group should show its corporate responsibility and actively play its leading role. Therefore, Shenzhen Digital Science Group called on practitioners to strengthen their learning by establishing the "Deep Benefit Class" bill science popularization IP activity and inviting industry experts and partners to answer questions and solve problems for enterprises through online live training Habit and adaptation, so that small and medium-sized Micro enterprises fully understand and use bills to further improve their operational efficiency and risk management capabilities, and promote their sustainable development.

The original intention of in-depth benefit class is to take "benefit" as the root, and "benefit" includes two aspects. The first is to "benefit the public" and create a bill knowledge sharing that really benefits enterprises flat Taiwan, practically solve small problems Confusion of micro enterprises; Second, social welfare. When the industry encounters major changes, the in-depth benefit class will be timely for enterprises and all kinds of Financial institutions interpret current policy changes, bill market risks, and provide legal aid.

Based on the needs of users, Shenyi Classroom provides users with high-quality bill knowledge and professional science popularization. It brings together top experts and partners in the industry to share their experiences and insights through online live broadcast. In addition, users can also obtain in-depth analysis of bill knowledge and practical solutions by watching live broadcast and interactive questions. At the same time, Deep Benefit Classroom is also committed to social welfare undertakings. When the industry is faced with major changes, Deep Benefit Class will timely report to enterprises and Financial institutions convey the interpretation of relevant policy changes to help them deal with risks and opportunities in a timely manner. In addition, Shenyi Classroom is also for middle and primary schools Microenterprise provides Legal aid to ensure that the legitimate rights and interests of enterprises are protected.

Science popularization of bill knowledge as a major flat Taiwan is committed to providing better services for the public and solving the problems of small and medium-sized enterprises The problems faced by micro enterprises in the field of bills. In the past three years, Deep Benefit Classroom has made remarkable achievements. By continuously providing users with high-quality knowledge sharing and training, Deep Benefit Classroom has provided enterprises with an effective way to solve problems and help them maintain competitiveness in the face of difficulties and challenges.

In the future, the Deep Benefit Classroom will continue to focus on "double benefits" and invite industry experts and partners to provide online live broadcast for small and medium-sized students Microenterprises provide better services. In addition, Shenzhen Digital Science Group will continue to pay attention to the development and changes of the industry, and provide timely services for enterprises and all kinds of Financial institutions interpret policy changes, market risks, etc Important information, further help more small and medium-sized enterprises with more professional attitude and more efficient services Micro enterprises solve practical problems and achieve better development.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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