Weight Management Has Been Known for a Long Time caused a heated discussion. Netizen: I really want to be a normal person - rebroadcast

"Weight Management" caused a heated discussion. Netizen: I really want to be a normal person

2023-11-21 10:08:23 Source: NetEase

After walking two steps, I gasped heavily. I was so fat that I could not cut my toenails by myself. I often woke up many times at night and felt sleepy all day Being depressed, suffering from "three highs" at a young age, and being ridiculed by friends can only force a smile... How many fat people experience such pain every day? Who knows?

Recently, the popular science topic "Weight Management Early" launched by Zhihu directly hit the hearts of fat people and caused heated discussion on social media. For the pain experienced by the fat people in the film, netizens all said that "it's just my mouth"; And the explanation of the dangers of obesity and scientific methods of weight loss to the pure dry goods in the film makes netizens call it "benefited a lot" and "the video was sent late".

Shangzhihu Search Topic # "Weight Management" Had Known # Learn More

Is obesity also a disease?

As the saying goes, "One white cover a hundred ugly, one fat destroy all". As we all know, obesity will greatly affect personal image, not only leading to a decline in face value, but also being considered as a lack of self-control and determination. But obesity destroys more than appearance? Its harm to health is also serious. The most obvious thing is the ability to exercise. Some netizens said sadly, "I don't want to lose weight, and I'm not lazy, but I gasp for breath after two steps. My knee hurts badly when I exercise, and my legs are useless when I climb stairs."

Not only that, many fat people suffer from illness. For example, excessive fatty acids and fat metabolites may affect the pancreatic islets& beta; Cells produce poison Sexual effects interfere with its normal function, leading to insufficient insulin secretion and elevated blood sugar, resulting in diabetes, which may also lead to a variety of diabetic complications in the long run. At the same time, obesity will lead to the decomposition and synthesis of fatty acids in the body The balance will also be disturbed. The liver may increase the intake of fatty acids and lead to fat accumulation in the liver, leading to fatty liver, and long-term fatty liver may develop into cirrhosis and even liver cancer. The accumulation of fat in the neck is easy to narrow the upper respiratory tract, causing sleep apnea syndrome, leading to insufficient oxygen supply to the whole body organs, and increasing metabolism Risk of sexual disease and cardiovascular disease. The increase of blood lipid caused by obesity will lead to the formation of plaque due to lipid deposition in the coronary artery, leading to atherosclerosis and stenosis, which will lead to insufficient blood supply to the heart, and then lead to the occurrence of coronary heart disease.

The harm of obesity is so great, but it has long been regarded by the public as just a matter of lifestyle, which is considered to be the result of the fat people's "keeping their mouths shut". Even the fat people themselves think that fat is their "pot". However, more and more studies show that obesity is actually a disease. In 2017, the World Obesity Federation issued a statement "Obesity is slow Sexual relapse Sexual diseases ". The factors that cause obesity are not just poor lifestyle, but various reasons, such as genetic factors, environmental factors, endocrine regulation abnormalities, inflammation, intestinal bacteria, etc.

However, due to the lack of understanding of obesity, many patients fell into a daze and self blame. "No one told me that weight loss needs the guidance of a doctor. I always thought it was my own business, so I kept trying to diet and exercise, but failed again and again, blaming myself for lack of perseverance." A netizen cried: "Until one day, a doctor told me that obesity is as slow as hypertension and diabetes Sexual relapse Sexual diseases are not your own personal problems. Obesity needs long-term medical management. This moment makes me feel extremely relieved. "

No taboo drugs treatment

Since obesity is a disease, how to diagnose and treatment? According to《 China Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Overweight and Obesity in Adults (2021) (square) above 24 is overweight, and above 28 is obesity. Waist circumference and body fat rate can also be used as criteria, such as male Sex waist circumference is more than 90cm, female The sexual waist is more than 85cm, male Sex body fat rate is more than 25%, female If the sex body fat rate is more than 30%, the diagnosis of obesity can be considered. Obesity can be divided into the whole body according to the location of abnormal fat accumulation in the body Sexual fat obesity and abdominal obesity. Abdominal obesity is also called the center Sexual obesity, visceral obesity, metabolic syndrome, diabetes, dyslipidemia, hypertension and other diseases are at higher risk.

When you find that your weight and waist circumference indicators are abnormal, the first thing you need to do is consult a doctor, rather than blindly lose weight yourself. stay In the process of treatment, first of all, we need to clarify our long-term weight management goals. For most people, it is the normalization of individual weight. However, just like "one bite can't make a big fat man", one day can't make a small thin man. After defining long-term goals, we need to develop a stage suitable for everyone Sexual goals, such as 5-15% weight loss in the first 3-6 months, can be set a larger goal for yourself after you achieve it.

It should be noted that in addition to diet control, avoiding high fat, high carbon, high calorie food, and scientific physical exercise, weight loss drugs should also be taken under the professional guidance and advice of doctors treatment. Since obesity was listed as a disease, weight loss drugs have been During the treatment It's important. Fat people should not resist too much. Regular weight loss drugs not only help you stick to the weight loss plan for a long time, but also are very safe. For very serious obesity, metabolic surgery can even be used treatment.

It must be emphasized here that no matter which weight loss program is adopted, it is necessary to fully communicate with doctors to ensure that The treatment plan is reasonable and feasible, in order to steadily and continuously lose weight, minimize the risk of obesity related complications, and achieve long-term health. It is hoped that obese people can overcome obesity, return their weight and life to normal people, no longer suffer from diseases, and stay with their families in a healthy way.

I would like to thank Lilly for its support for public health education.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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