Tamping the safety base of the platform Deep open platform has won the certification of "three-level equal protection" - rebroadcast network

Tamping the safety base of the platform Deep open platform has won the certification of "three-level equal protection"

2023-11-14 14:44:19 Source: Today's Hotspot

In recent years, digital transformation has become the only way for the development of SMEs. In this process, the demand for data openness and application services is also growing. In order to meet these needs, Shenzhen Digital Science Group is open based on data openness and intelligent application flat Taiwan came into being flat Taiwan aims to provide data opening and application services for all walks of life, helping small and medium-sized enterprises Microenterprise and Financial institutions maximize the value of data, further help enterprises improve competitiveness, efficiency, management and customer relations.

With the deepening of digital transformation, data protection and security issues have become increasingly prominent. Infringement of illegal products, data theft flat Taiwan collapse and other problems often occur Financial institutions pose considerable challenges. Therefore, flat Stable operation and information security Sex has become one of the core competitiveness of brands and service providers.

In order to better serve customers, Shenzhen Digital Science Group has been committed to development flat And obtained the DJCP network security level protection level evaluation report. This certification is one of the authoritative certifications for network security level protection of domestic data centers, representing deep openness flat The platform has high ability and water to ensure user data security Ping.

Deeply open flat Through a comprehensive information security prevention and control system, the platform can effectively prevent system intrusion and attack, timely identify and warn security vulnerabilities, quickly recover functions, repair failures, and protect customer data from theft or damage. This helps to avoid major information security incidents, ensure the continuous and stable operation of the system, and provide customers with a better service experience.

Deeply open flat Taiwan has always been committed to building users flat A new ecology of win-win between Taiwan and developers. In order to ensure the security and privacy of user information, Shenzhen Digital Science Group continues to deepen the barriers to identity authentication, access control, data encryption, audit and other security technologies. At the same time, it also regularly scans and repairs security vulnerabilities, timely discovers and solves security risks, and ensures the stability of user use Sex and security Sex.

The DJCP network security level evaluation report not only represents the deep openness flat Taiwan's security technology has been recognized by the authority, and also flat The platform provides a reference guide for long-term development to further help flat The platform continues to improve and enhance the technical capacity of network security level to provide users with more secure, reliable and efficient data opening and application services.

In the future, Shenzhen Digital Science Group will continue to strengthen flat The R&D and innovation of Taiwan technology provide users with more secure, reliable and efficient data opening and application services, promote the process of digital transformation, and help enterprises and Financial institutions have achieved better development.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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