Invisible Orthodontic Brand Era Angel Sets an Example with Green Manufacturing - Rebroadcast

In the era of invisible orthodontic brand, angels set an example by using green manufacturing

2023-11-10 11:01:02 Source: Jinbao Online

Recently, Time Angel officially launched the 3D UV curable printing resin cleaning free process (hereinafter referred to as "cleaning free process"). For the dental mold in the production process of the invisible orthodontic device, Time Angel uses a new equipment technology based on the new materials developed independently, without any cleaning process. With its innovation, this technology sets an example for green manufacturing in the dental field.

The production of the invisible orthodontic device needs to go through multiple links. The dentist transmits the 3D model data of the teeth to the Angel of the Times through the iOrtho platform. The Angel of the Times intelligent manufacturing factory needs to go through multiple processes such as 3D printing of the dental mold, cleaning, curing, dental membrane pressing, gingival line cutting, polishing, cleaning, etc. to complete the processing of the entire invisible orthodontic device.

In the past, dental mold was made by traditional light curing printing process. In the post-treatment process, the resin on the surface of the mold needed to be cleaned with cleaning agent. There were problems such as low production efficiency and environmental protection in the cleaning process. The Angel of the Times innovatively put forward the concept of "washing free post-treatment", carried out a lot of market research and R&D investment, and successfully broke through technical difficulties such as material R&D and equipment R&D through constant attempts, adjustment and verification. It was officially applied and entered the mass production stage this year. The successful application of cleaning free technology in the era will reduce a large number of exhaust emissions and waste cleaning agents.

In the process of the development of modern manufacturing industry, green environmental protection has always been the focus of global attention. As a leading domestic invisible orthodontic enterprise adhering to scientific and technological innovation, Angel of the Times has constantly explored the integration of environmental protection concepts and innovative technologies, and invested a lot of resources in research and development of new technologies, including automation, new materials, which not only improved product performance and reliability, but also made efforts to continuously reduce energy consumption and waste emissions, and reduce adverse effects on the environment, Continuously improve the level of green manufacturing.

Green and low-carbon economic and social development is the key to achieving high-quality development. Along the direction of digital and international development strategies, the Angel of the Times will continue to empower green development with innovation, promote the upgrading of various technologies in the direction of energy conservation and environmental protection, and help achieve the long-term goal of sustainable social development.


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