When Wang Laoji meets coffee, another attempt to rejuvenate a century old brand - rebroadcast

When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

2023-11-03 13:54:28 Source: Today's Hotspot

Cross border co branding has long been popular in the consumer circle, opening a road to innovation for many traditional brands. Wang Laoji Zhiyun, a Cantonese style health preserving plant drink owned by Wang Laoji, also took advantage of this trend of co branding to open up a new field of co branding, and carried out co branding activities with Guangdong local coffee product FlatWhiteCafe to break through barriers. After the news of co branding was announced, it aroused great expectations of consumers.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

Focusing on this co branding cooperation, the two brands started from the common ground of Guangdong local brands, highlighted by the traditional Cantonese flavor of Wang Laoji's planting rhyme products, played the nostalgic "memory killing" emotional card, launched co branded specialty coffee, and customized creative surroundings. Online and offline work together to bring consumers a comprehensive experience. After the event was officially launched, consumers' response was quite high and they steadily earned a lot of traffic.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

The joint feature injects innovation and shortens the distance with the youth of Generation Z.

Based on his insight into the consumption of Generation Z, Wang Laoji deeply caters to the consumption characteristics of young people, and creates three specialty co branded coffees with rich and wonderful taste with the innovative combination of "traditional Cantonese flavor+coffee", which meets the young people's consumption demand for novel products.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

In addition, through the advantages and characteristics of Zhiyun products, we can establish more profound links with young people with traditional nostalgia and childhood memories. In addition to special drinks, there are also co branded customized peripheral refrigerator stickers, canvas bags and coffee to make the brand more creative, young and energetic, better integrate into the young atmosphere, and close the distance with new consumer youth.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

Online communication boosts the momentum, and social media enlarges the volume

Wang Laoji Zhiyun warms up through wave after wave of joint naming activities, builds the volume of activities, attracts the audience's attention, arouses curiosity, and opens up the momentum of joint name preheating and communication. After the official launch of the event, interactive H5 amplified the enthusiasm of the public for participation and triggered more topic discussions, thus increasing the brand's exposure and influence.

And how can brand activities be less dithering? In the face of such a powerful traffic gathering place, Wang Laoji Zhiyun helped to ignite the co branding activity by shaking the voice of the talent. Starting from the actual life of the talent itself, he interpreted it in a fun way, which made it more meaningful for consumers. He also gave accurate guidance to the content of this activity, further expanding the influence of the co branding activity.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

At the same time, in today's social era when everything needs to be "exposed", drinks with Guangdong's local characteristics attract many young consumers to clock in and become the object of fashionable people competing to print pictures, further increase the exposure and awareness of joint branding activities, and give full play to the brand power.

 When Wang Laoji meets coffee, a century old brand tries again to become younger

This co branding activity of Wang Laoji's planting rhyme is undoubtedly an out of circle marketing activity. In terms of maintaining its product characteristics, we should fully explore the fit points between brands and greatly shorten the distance between consumers and products; It conveys brand temperature in content shaping, provides emotional value to consumers, and brings topic to activities. At the same time, it also brings more potential consumers, providing more possibilities for the product to enhance its popularity and influence.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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