The sauce pearl has been famous in the world for 60 years | The foundation laying ceremony of the new factory in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge was successfully held - rebroadcast

The sauce pearl has been famous in the world for 60 years | The foundation laying ceremony of the new factory in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge was successfully held

2023-10-31 16:58:12 Source: Today's Hotspot

On October 30, the groundbreaking ceremony for the new plant of Guangdong Zhujiang Bridge Biotechnology Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Zhujiang Bridge") was successfully held in Shenwan Town, Zhongshan City.

Zhujiang Bridge is a seasoning food enterprise integrating production, research, supply and marketing. Its products are mainly exported and it is a local high-quality enterprise. The company's brand "Zhujiang Bridge" is one of the earlier export brands after the founding of New China. After 65 years of trials and hardships, it has been firm, always adhering to quality, and exported to more than 100 countries and regions. As a time-honored brand in Guangdong, it has become the representative of Guangdong's high-quality food export overseas.

With the development of the enterprise, Zhujiang Bridge has put forward higher requirements for the production system. It will invest more than 1 billion yuan to build Zhujiang Bridge condiment production base by stages. Zhujiang Bridge is optimistic about the regional advantages, industrial supporting advantages and business environment of Zhongshan, and finally decides to settle the first phase of the new plant construction in Shenwan Town, Zhongshan.

The groundbreaking ceremony of Zhongshan Shenwan New Factory was attended and supported by people from all walks of life. The leaders of Shenwan Town came to the scene to witness this important moment together with the leading guests of Guangxin Group, Sichuan Food and Beverage Group, Yajule Group and Zhujiang Bridge.

Lin Haodong, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor of Shenwan Town, Zhongshan City, addressed the foundation ceremony

Wei Gaoping, Chairman of Guangdong Food Import and Export Group Co., Ltd., delivered a speech at the foundation ceremony

Qiao Xiaojian, President of Guangdong Zhujiang Bridge Biotechnology Co., Ltd., delivered a speech at the foundation ceremony

The leaders delivered a speech for the foundation ceremony and expressed their sincere wishes for the smooth construction of the project. Later, leaders and guests participated in the ribbon cutting of the project and held the spade to lay the foundation and consolidate the foundation for the new plant in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge, marking the official start of the construction of the new plant in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge.

Leading guests cut the ribbon for the foundation laying ceremony of Zhongshan Shenwan New Factory at Zhujiang Bridge

Leading guests laid the foundation for the new factory in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge

The 65 year development of the Pearl River Bridge has always adhered to its own development characteristics. The new plant project of Zhujiang Bridge will build a modern chemical plant, constantly improve production efficiency, supplement and strengthen the chain for industrial development, at the same time, expand the domestic market, and actively integrate into the domestic and international double cycle. It will be a new engine for Zhujiang Bridge to implement its corporate vision of "becoming a trustworthy, widely respected and sustainable world-class seasoning food enterprise".

"Where there is cooking smoke in the world, there are Chinese, and where there is Chinese, there is Pearl River Bridge". Pearl River Bridge, adhering to the mission of "carrying forward the Chinese food culture, glorifying natural health and delicious food", has spread over more than 100 countries and regions around the world, has become a bridge between Chinese and Western food culture, and has become a beautiful card of Chinese food export brands.

Group photo of colleagues at Zhujiang Bridge

Today, the successful foundation laying ceremony of the new factory in Zhongshan Shenwan, Zhujiang Bridge, marks that Zhujiang Bridge has steadily stepped onto a new stage of high-quality development. Zhujiang Bridge will continue to improve its production capacity and technical level, use its own advantages to carry out in-depth research and development of Cantonese flavor, commit to becoming a master of Cantonese cuisine and seasoning, build Zhujiang Bridge into an international brand rooted in China, expand overseas, and continue to contribute to the promotion of Chinese food culture!

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