Enable super value rights and interests! Yibao and Western Airlines explore the long-term value of digital collections - rebroadcast network

Enable super value rights and interests! Yibao and Western Airlines explore the long-term value of digital collections

2023-10-24 19:38:45 Source: China Daily

In July this year, eBay helped Western Airlines release its first Commemorative digital collections open the way to explore the innovative marketing model of Western Airlines Internet 3.0. Through the in-depth layout of digital collections, Western Airlines has brought users a new travel experience and provided more diversified interactive ways.

First paragraph The commemorative collections were unanimously loved by passengers of Western Airlines, and the relevant users said: "This is a new experience, and the digital collections have unique Commemorative significance, novelty and fun, and the future is also looking forward to the exclusive discount when buying tickets! "

In order to thank the strong support of the first batch of passengers receiving Tibet, which coincides with the change of season, on October 19, Western Airlines held the first Passengers of commemorative digital collections are entitled to "empowerment" of super value rights, that is, a monthly membership card of Western Airlines PLUS is once again granted to each user who holds digital collections. The membership card is valid from October 19 to November 19. Users can log in to the flight and APP to view the use rights of members. This is another new step taken by Western Airlines in the field of Internet 3.0 in conjunction with Yibao Payment.

In the future, Western Airlines will continue to take practical actions to stimulate the vitality of its products, so that every user who participates in it can truly feel the charm of digital collections. It also expects that more new users can participate in the digital and intelligent development of Western Airlines, and work together to build a new aviation future.

It is understood that Yibao Payment, together with its brand Yilian Xingyun, has provided Western Airlines with a one-stop Internet 3.0 marketing solution integrating digital collection design, casting, online, distribution and member marketing. With this solution, Western Airlines can more conveniently carry out integrated management of member marketing, rights distribution and so on in the new immersive scene of Internet 3.0. This empowerment of rights and interests is another manifestation of deepening cooperation between the two sides in the field of Internet 3.0.

As early as 2021, eBay payment has begun to lay out the Internet 3.0 field, and together with its EasyLink Nebula, it has created a set of services for Internet 3.0 The "five-star strategy" ecosystem of transaction scenarios includes flat platform Transaction service, Internet 3.0 marketing service "Yi Qixing", Internet 3.0 wallet "Yi Wallet", alliance chain "Yi Lian", etc.

In the field of aviation tourism, Yibao has deeply cultivated For nearly 20 years, it has continued to provide digital services for airlines, ticket agents, OTAs, travel agencies, hotels/B&Bs, scenic spots, online car hailing, airports, railways, car rental and other industry chain segments Trading services. With the core goal of helping customers achieve digital upgrading, eBay payment focuses on B2C direct sales, B2B distribution flat Taiwan flagship store, marketing innovation, industry penetration, and payment Taiwan, etc., to help customers achieve convenient and safe payment and payment in all channels and multiple scenarios Sexual services, Implement digital capabilities.

Western Airlines will maintain long-term deepening cooperation with Yibao Payment, and discuss The development trend of the new era, fully combining their respective advantages, provides users with convenient and safe payment and Sexual services, Implement digital capabilities, promote digital development in the aviation field, and jointly build a new digital future.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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