Wandashan Dairy has laid out three channels to leverage the new fulcrum of marketing growth - rebroadcast network

Wandashan Dairy has laid out three channels to leverage new fulcrums of marketing growth

2023-10-20 15:41:55 Source: Today's Hotspot

Recently, the national brand has been popular again, among which, as a "dairy enterprise" Wandashan Dairy, a national team, has attracted much attention. On social media, we can see popular comments such as "My children grew up drinking Wanda Mountain", "His milk has mellow flavor", "Thank Mother for choosing Wanda Mountain for me". Today, let's take a look at how Wanda Mountain consolidates the achievements of channel upward movement, highlights the brand's youth, and leverages the new fulcrum of marketing growth through the layout of "three economies".

Make efforts in scenic spot marketing and expand sales channels

With the following During the epidemic era, tourists' enthusiasm for traveling was high, and the tourism market around the country was recovering. Following the tourist boom, Wandashan Dairy has developed a distribution channel cooperation model in the scenic spot, that is, Wandashan has established a distribution cooperation relationship with the scenic spot management office, supermarket contractor or chain convenience supermarket system, making it the scenic spot dealer of Wandashan products. Expand sales channels and increase product sales opportunities by distributing goods to scenic spots. It also establishes promotion points around the scenic spot, attracts wide attention through diversified games and innovative outreach images, and causes high communication, so as to improve the overall online+offline communication.

Carry out the activity of brand entering colleges and universities, and speed up the node dynamic marketing

According to the survey, Young people account for the largest proportion of new consumer groups in the new era, and the consumption capacity of young people has great potential. How to extend the preferences of young people is the top priority. In order to seize the young consumer market, Wandashan Dairy has continuously carried out the promotion activities of the provincial campus opening season and the double festival. It also cooperated with Northeast Forestry University to create a co branded customized pure milk product to provide nutrition guarantee for students with cold ecological milk source and mellow original nutrition. For young consumers, milk should not only be nutritious, but also have emotional resonance; Drinking milk is not only a reward for yourself, but also fun. Wandashan has improved the penetration of young consumers by strengthening the linkage between schools and enterprises, making college students become the self-help communication force of brands, forming a positive brand image, and realizing the rejuvenation of Wandashan brand.

Layout airports and stations, and open up scenario marketing

Airports and stations are densely populated, which is conducive to mass marketing and promotion, and the crowd has a relatively blank time at the waiting time, which is easy to spread topics and promote products. Therefore, Wandashan Dairy has accelerated the deployment of aircraft and high-speed railway stations, and launched its regular low temperature products, such as ready to drink and Yueji scene bottle coffee, Aifeiya yogurt and croissant series. By means of catering in airport and station channels, selling products on computers and cars, selling in airports, station supermarkets and convenience chain stores, and cooperation mode of self-service terminal sales, the airport and high-speed railway stations are distributed to increase product sales opportunities; At the same time, Wandashan Dairy synchronously carried out in station promotion activities to increase brand and product exposure, quickly promote product publicity with mobile consumers, and expand product reach with high flow.

In the future, Wandashan Dairy will continue to adhere to the brand concept of "for all you love, do your best", constantly open up multiple channels, and take multiple measures to bring better products and services to consumers.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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