Which milk powder is better? You must know these three factors when choosing milk powder- Replay network

Which milk powder is better? You must know these three factors when choosing milk powder!

2023-10-08 15:22:59 Source: Today's Hotspot

Milk powder, as an essential nutrient in the growth of babies, has always been concerned. Since the implementation of the new national standard, parents have higher requirements for the quality and nutrition of milk powder. Many parents are also very concerned about what kind of milk powder can be called "high-quality". Next, let's discuss the necessary elements of good milk powder and reveal which milk powder is better.

One of the elements of good milk powder - high quality milk source

Milk source is the basis of determining the quality of milk powder, and high-quality milk source can fundamentally ensure the quality of milk powder. The quality of milk from natural pastures in the world's golden milk sources such as the Netherlands and New Zealand is often higher. Because the source of golden milk is rich in natural resources and high-quality dairy cattle varieties, it provides superior conditions for the production and processing of dairy products, and also creates high-quality milk powder.

The second element of good milk powder - comprehensive and balanced formula nutrition, meeting the new national standard

In the era when the new national standard is launched, a good milk powder should first meet the new national standard, and at the same time, it should also achieve a comprehensive balance of nutrients. It is best to add characteristic fortification ingredients such as lactoferrin, OPO similar structural lipids, and comprehensively meet the nutritional needs of healthy growth of babies.

The third element of good milk powder -- light taste and natural frankincense

The baby's taste is sensitive and immature. If the baby touches too sweet or heavy tasting food too early, it may affect the baby's acceptance of other foods, and even lead to food preference and pickiness. A good milk powder should have a light and natural taste.

After all this talk, what kind of milk powder is good? Dutch milk powder Royal Meisujiaer meets the above points at the same time, and has super high-end quality. It has always been recognized by parents as one of the world's top ten safe milk powder brands.

Royal Meisu Jiaer is derived from the first layer of royal milk essence, containing nearly 40 kinds of natural milk fat protective factors, which can support the internal environment regulation and cell regulation, and help the baby to improve its defense ability. There is also evidence that 50% natural milk fat, that is, natural OPO similar structural fat, contains nearly 20 kinds of fatty acids, more than artificial OPO, which can not only promote the absorption of key fatty acids and calcium, but also make the baby's stool softer and belly more comfortable.

Royal Meisu Jiaer is also a milk powder containing lactoferrin. The lactoferrin content is up to 450mg/100g, higher than 95% gold purity. It meets the double standards of China and the European Union, and its immune activity is also very superior. It also uses a unique liquid whey one-time milling process to retain more whey protein nutrition. Active OPN is derived from whey protein, which can support the improvement of belly protection. It forms a dual protection CP with up to 30+times essence and high activity lactoferrin, which can help high energy protection.

With the implementation of the new national standard, Royal Meisu Jiaer has upgraded the formula. Vanillin has been removed from the three sections, which makes the taste more mild and natural. The baby likes to drink more. 0 The reassuring formula has been added, which conforms to the new national standard, and parents can be more confident when choosing. If you don't know which milk powder is good? You can safely choose this imported milk powder for your baby.

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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