How to supplement calcium for pregnant women? How to solve the problem of calcium deficiency- Replay network

How to supplement calcium for pregnant women? How to solve the problem of calcium deficiency?

2023-10-08 15:25:03 Source: Today's Hotspot

For many pregnant moms, the demand for calcium during pregnancy is much greater than that of ordinary people. Now some moms generally suffer from calcium deficiency. After all, calcium deficiency will affect the development of children and the health of expectant mothers, so some moms will worry and fear. How can pregnant women supplement calcium? Today, let's get to know.

It is very important to understand how pregnant women supplement calcium mainly from food and calcium supplements. Many Baoma feel that it is a safe and effective way to choose food to supplement calcium content, but the food processing process is likely to lead to the loss of nutrients or inadequate absorption. In addition, the human body itself cannot fully absorb these foods.

There are many foods with high calcium content to choose from in daily life. For example, some dairy products, bean products, seafood, meat, vegetables, etc. can be used as sources of calcium supplementation. However, these foods cannot be stored for too long, otherwise many nutrients will be lost. For example, when the milk is heated, it should not be stirred too much and the time should not be too long; Spinach and leek are rich in oxalic acid, so they should be heated and soaked for a period of time to dissolve oxalic acid, so as not to form calcium oxalate with other foods and increase the burden on the body.

In view of the above adverse outcomes, it is generally recommended that pregnant women take oral calcium supplements after 20 weeks of pregnancy to achieve the effect of calcium supplementation, because around 20 weeks of pregnancy is an important period for fetal growth and development, when the demand for calcium is also very large. However, pregnant women should also choose carefully what calcium to take. The gastrointestinal function of pregnant women is weak, and the gastric acid secretion is insufficient. At this time, inorganic calcium such as calcium carbonate cannot be taken, because the dissolution of calcium carbonate requires a lot of gastric acid, and carbon dioxide gas will be produced in the middle, which is easy to cause belching, belching, constipation and other adverse conditions for pregnant women. For the constitution of pregnant women, calcium acetate is more suitable. Like Golden Beggar Calcium Acetate, which is organic calcium in itself, not only has a high content of effective calcium, but also does not need stomach acid to participate in consumption. It can be directly dissolved into calcium ions in water and absorbed by the human body. The drug is mild and non irritating, and will not burden the intestines and stomach. It is a very suitable calcium supplement for pregnant women.

Inadequate calcium supplementation can cause problems in the growth and development of the baby, but excessive calcium can also cause problems, such as mental retardation, height limitation, vascular sclerosis, etc. Therefore, pregnant women should take calcium supplements correctly according to their own actual conditions, instead of blindly taking calcium supplements, so as not to cause harm to their own health and the health of the fetus.

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