Delivering the spirit of the Asian Games, the special train of the "Holy Capital Full Decoration Champion" set sail brightly - rebroadcast network

Delivering the spirit of the Asian Games, the "Holy Capital Full Decoration Champion" special train for the Asian Games sets sail

2023-09-18 09:44:49 Source: Today Hotspot

At 10:48 a.m. on September 14, with the sound of the whistle, the Asian Games special train G2193, "Shengdu Full Decoration Champion", set sail at Shanghai Hongqiao Station, headed for the terminal Hangzhou East, opening a new journey for shell direct home decoration brand Shengdu Full Decoration.

Wang Yuwei, Deputy General Manager of Shengdu Full Decoration, General Manager of Hangzhou Region, Jin Yupeng, General Manager of Hangzhou Lianjia, Bi Wenjing, World Champion of Gymnastics and Asian Games Champion, Shengdu Full Decoration Designer, Shengdu Full Decoration Consultant, and representatives of shell brokers took this special championship train with thousands of high-speed railway passengers and set out for Hangzhou, the Asian Games City.

On the "Shengdu Full Decoration Champion", Bi Wenjing and the passengers carried out interesting activities such as the Asian Games knowledge war, the Asian Games physical battle, and popularized the Asian Games knowledge. At the same time, the event also opened an online broadcast room to deliver the spirit of the Asian Games in the strong atmosphere of welcoming the Asian Games by sending out the surrounding areas of the Asian Games and giving away tickets for the Asian Games.

As a champion of the Asian Games, Bi Wenjing believes that "the core quality of becoming a champion is the quality of doing everything well to the best of one's ability. The only way to make oneself stand out is to constantly practice and improve one's strength in this competitive event."

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(Bi Wenjing, World Gymnastics Champion and Asian Games Champion)

Shengdu Decoration is the official decoration service provider for the 19th Asian Games in Hangzhou. This time, by naming the high-speed railway and taking advantage of "China's speed", it is also aimed at delivering a positive and healthy concept of a better life and creating champion quality. Wang Yuwei, Deputy General Manager of Shengdu Integrated Decoration and General Manager of Hangzhou Region, said: "Shengdu Integrated Decoration officially 'landed' on China's high-speed railway, hoping to convey to everyone our commitment to a better life and our efforts to quality integrated decoration, so that all customers with decoration needs can trust us with their homes. Shengdu Integrated Decoration will ride the 'Chinese speed' and head for a better future of win-win development.

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(Wang Yuwei, Deputy General Manager of Shengdu Decoration and General Manager of Hangzhou Region)

Jin Yupeng, the general manager of Hangzhou Lianjia, also said: "The linkage with the head home decoration brand like Shengdu Full Decoration can further serve all aspects of consumer living, from housing sales, hard and soft decoration, even home cleaning, to bring consumers a 'champion' level service experience in an all-round way."

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(Jin Yupeng, General Manager of Hangzhou Lianjia)

Earlier, on September 13, Yan Weiyang, vice president of Shell and founder of Shengdu Packaging, participated in the Asian Games torch relay in Zhoushan. He said: "The Asian Games is about the spirit of sports, that is, striving and enterprising. There is one of the values of Saint Metropolis, which is called striving and enterprising. As an enterprise, we hope to do our part to deliver the spirit of the Asian Games."

As a home decoration company, Shengdu Jiezhuang will continue to implement the Asian Games concept of "green, intelligent, thrifty and civilized", and is committed to creating an ideal new home for customers with personalized design, standardized services, and a strong supply chain, so as to give customers an environmental and green home decoration experience. In order to practice "customer value first", Shengdu Decoration strives to focus on "transparent quotation, transparent materials, transparent construction, and transparent service" to realize the transparency of the whole decoration process and ensure high-quality delivery.

For example, Shengdu Decoration has built a transparent chemical site with standardized management. On the basis of inheriting the essence of Luban technology, it has won 62 utility model patents and 19 invention patents; In terms of service, Shengdu Integrated has created a service system of "ten fears and ten promises", including "20 projects failing to meet the standards will not be forgiven", "2 hours quick response, 48 hours to reach a plan", "customer evaluation determines the income of employees", etc., to provide consumers with one-stop, personalized high-quality integrated service.

Up to now, Shengdu has completed the full coverage of the core prefecture level markets in Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Anhui and Shanghai provinces and cities, as well as the market layout of the direct marketing system in several first tier and second tier provincial capitals such as Wuhan and Chengdu. At the same time, Shengdu Decoration has also become the vice-chairman unit of China Building Decoration Association Housing and some branches, the director unit of China Interior Decoration Association CIDA, the member of Home Decoration Professional Committee of All China Federation of Industry and Commerce Furniture Decoration Chamber of Commerce IFI is a member of the national group, and has won many honors, such as the National Top 500 Zhejiang Merchants, China's Leading Brand in 2019, the Oscar "Big Goose Award" in the home furnishing industry, and the leading brand of home furnishing in China's home furnishing industry.

With the launch of the special train for the Asian Games, Shengdu Assembly will continue to integrate the concept of a better life with the spirit of sports to welcome the prosperity of the Asian Games. At the same time, the company will also give full play to its enterprise value and better serve customers with "champion quality".

Disclaimer: There are risks in the market, so you should be careful! This article is for reference only, not for sale basis.

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