The old man fell down unexpectedly in his home. Enthusiastic guys help him send the old man to hospital for treatment - rebroadcast

The old man fell down unexpectedly in his home. The warm-hearted young man helped him to send the old man to hospital for treatment

2023-09-15 14:53:58 Source: Beijing Daily

On September 7, Liu Tengteng, a warmhearted young man from Beijing Lianjiayuan House Music Store, received a banner with the words "Be willing to help others spread thousands of miles, and the warmth of true feelings enter the hearts of people". This banner comes from an old man whom he helped to save a few days ago.

"It seems that an old man fell down at my friend's house. Please come and help!" On September 1, when Mr. Li came to visit the old man at his friend's house in Building 42, Chunshuguan Street, no one opened the door after repeatedly knocking. After a few shouts, I vaguely heard a faint "hum, hum, ah, ah" voice coming from the house. Judging that the old man might have fallen down, he hurriedly called Liu Tengteng for help.

After receiving the phone call, Liu Tengteng put down his work and immediately rode his bike to catch up. He and Mr. Li called the police first, and then found the unlocking company to open the door. After entering the door, he found the old man lying on the floor of the bathroom, unable to move. Liu Tengteng hurriedly called 120 and sent the old man to Xuanwu Hospital nearby.

In the hospital, Liu Tengteng helped to queue up to pay the fees and pushed the elderly upstairs and downstairs to do various examinations. The doctor judged that the old man fell down after a sudden high blood pressure. The old man was nearly 90 years old, and his children were not around at that time. Fortunately, Mr. Li came to visit him. Otherwise, the consequences would be unimaginable. After working for three or four hours, Liu Tengteng didn't leave until the old man's children arrived. "Thank you, Xiao Liu! You helped me again!" Mr. Li patted Liu Tengteng on the shoulder and said.

The old man at his friend's house fell down. Why did Mr. Li call "Xiao Liu" for help at the first time? It turned out that in 2021, Mr. Li's lover was diagnosed with cerebellar atrophy, and he often needed to be hospitalized and transferred to another hospital. Sometimes he suddenly needed help, and his daughter and son-in-law had no time to ask for leave. Mr. Li thought of an acquaintance, Liu Tengteng, an enthusiastic young man from a real estate agency near his home.

"Uncle, no problem! Please call me whenever you need me." Liu Tengteng did not shirk, but also called the partners in the shop to help. Liu Tengteng said: "In the past two years, Xuanwu Hospital, Guang'anmen Hospital, 301 Hospital... we have helped to handle the transfer four or five times." Once he came and went, Liu Tengteng became Mr. Li's most trusted friend. In case of any difficulty, Mr. Li always thought of "Xiao Liu" the first time.

After helping the old man in his friend's family this time, the family of the old man sent a banner to Liu Tengteng to express their gratitude. "Little Liu people are very practical. Every time they help, they do their best and are not afraid of hard work. With such a warm-hearted guy around us, I feel I have a sense of dependence!" Mr. Li said moved.

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