The 5th China Acrobatic Arts Festival will be held in Puyang. Time to be determined - rebroadcast. com

The 5th China Acrobatic Arts Festival will be held in Puyang at a certain time

2022-10-20 08:22:21 Source: Henan Daily

On October 14, the reporter learned from the Publicity Department of Puyang Municipal Party Committee that the 5th China Acrobatic Arts Festival and the 11th China Acrobatic Golden Chrysanthemum Award National Acrobatic Competition will be held in Puyang from November 8 to 13.

China Acrobatics Festival is a permanent major event jointly sponsored by the China Federation of Literary and Art Circles and the China Acrobats Association. Puyang is known as the "Hometown of Chinese Acrobatics" at home and abroad. Its acrobatic culture originated in the Spring and Autumn Period, flourished in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, and was included in the second batch of national intangible cultural heritage protection lists in 2007. In recent years, acrobatics has become a bright cultural card for Puyang City and our province to go global. The acrobatics industry has become the "leader" of Puyang's cultural industry. The city has built the largest professional school and the largest acrobatics industry park in China. Acrobatics, sports and tourism have developed in a cross-border manner. Acrobatics projects have been listed in the "Belt and Road" It is a key national cooperation project in the cultural and tourism industries, and the boutique drama "Water Show" is famous at home and abroad.

This year's China Acrobatic Arts Festival will rely on Puyang's rich acrobatic cultural resources, focus on the integration of culture and tourism, further expand and strengthen Puyang's acrobatic cultural brand, and promote the city's construction of "China's Dragon Source · World Acrobatic City". It is reported that during the festival, the city will hold 8 activities, including the National Acrobatic Competition of the China Acrobatic Golden Chrysanthemum Award, the National Excellent Acrobatic Drama Exhibition, and the National Acrobatic Innovation and Creation Seminar, which will also drive the development of China (Puyang) Acrobatic Culture, Tourism, Culture and Innovation Industry Expo, China (Puyang) Acrobatic Culture, Tourism, Culture and Innovation Industry Integration and Development Summit 5 joint activities and online activities including Puyang Economic and Trade Exchange Activity of China Acrobatic Arts Festival.

[Editor in charge: h001]

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