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How to optimize the website SEO in Chongqing? What are the methods?

Source: Zhiyou Network
Time: 2024-01-21 16:49:24
Browse: two thousand one hundred and thirty-seven

On site optimization, as the name implies, refers to the internal optimization of the website, that is, the internal optimization of the website itself, SEO On site optimization includes code and label optimization, content optimization, and URL optimization. Website optimization

SEO is meaningless without users and search engines. With users but no search engine, SEO will feel very lonely. There are search engines but no users SEO It will also appear very fragile.

1. Code optimization

To lose weight for the website, code optimization can be carried out. The most direct performance of code optimization is user compatibility. Now the number of online users is growing rapidly. Even if your website page settings are beautiful and the ranking is good, if it is dislocation after clicking, the loss rate of users will also be great, which will affect the later transformation. In addition to compatibility, consideration should also be given to the perfect and blank characters, which will also affect the experience of search engine spiders,

2. Increase website access speed

Website access speed will also affect Website optimization You can check the website access speed through the third-party webmaster tool. It is recommended that you choose one of the top domestic space providers. Although it is more expensive, it is safe Stability and speed will be guaranteed, which is also conducive to search engine optimization.

3. Optimization of website navigation and secondary navigation

Some webmasters will put product presentations, online messages and other content on the website navigation. I think this is not necessary. Insert target keywords here, which will not only optimize, but also provide convenience for users.

4. The latest news/information on the home page is more conducive to optimization

Put the latest news or information on the homepage of the website, and update it regularly. When spiders find the latest information, they will better optimize it.

5. URL optimization

Static URLs are not only comfortable for users, but also popular with spiders. How to determine whether a web page is static? It can be distinguished from web addresses. Static web addresses are generally: "?" will appear in the dynamic stream, such as: If the website is not static, we can make it pseudo static.

6. The optimized layer should not exceed four layers

In general, each "/" of the URL represents a layer. The lower the weight, the deeper the layer, the more difficult the search engine will be to crawl, and the worse the ranking will be.

7. Picture optimization

Image optimization should be considered from the perspective of user vision and spider capture. Too large or too small images are not good. It is recommended that the width of the picture should be between 500 and 600 pixels, and the height should be 300~ Between 400 pixels, within 1M pixels, centered.

8. Tail optimization of alt

When uploading an image, there will be an alt prompt, which prompts that we can set according to the article and target keywords. The image is also convenient for spider recognition. While effectively increasing the keyword density, it can make the ranking better displayed, and is also conducive to image optimization.

9. The article keyword density should be reasonable

The density of key words in the article should be 2%~8%, the insertion should be reasonable, and the content should be illustrated. To understand the density of article keywords, we can use third-party tools. There are many online queries about the detection of keyword density of web pages, and we can use the "alt" of pictures If the density is too high, it will be deemed as cheating by the search engine, thus affecting the ranking.

10. High quality articles and continuous updates

The quality of the article should be high. It is better to be original, but not original. The degree of revision of the article should be more than 60%, and the article should have a sense of hierarchy and clear paragraphs.

The update of the article should not be carried out in three days or two days. It should be carried out for a long time. If you don't have that much energy, you can find an agent or develop relevant procedures.

11. User experience optimization

After logging on the website, you should give people a sense of comfort, that is, improve the user's experience, which includes the design of the website, customer service and contact information settings, especially the customer column. You can do more customer service, QQ WeChat to facilitate users to choose.

12. PV optimization, improve user viscosity

PV, namely web page views, can be used to analyze the user's stay time, which is an important indicator to measure user experience. A high PV indicates a high user viscosity. PV data can be obtained through third-party statistical tools. So, how to improve PV?

In addition to the guided links related to the articles, users will click on them if necessary, or add an extended reading at the bottom of the website.

13. Website friendship link optimization

The number of friendship links on the website should be controlled within 50. Friendship links can be exchanged or purchased through the platform and the group of friendship links. The biggest role of friendship links is to facilitate spider crawling and effectively improve the ranking.

  14. Website map optimization

Website map optimization can be achieved through plug-ins of open source programs. Website maps are set for spiders to facilitate them to crawl our data.

15. Learn to use the 404 tool

Sometimes we add errors or delete content in the internal chain when optimizing. At this time, we need to use the 404 tool to recover the loss rate of users.

That's it《 Website SEO How to optimize in the station? What are the methods? " The whole content of is only for the interactive exchange and learning of webmaster friends, SEO optimization It is a process that needs to be adhered to. I hope everyone can make progress together.

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