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Hengtai Xiangyi Mansion is not available for sale

Hengtai Xiangyi Mansion is located in Kaifu District, and there is no house available for sale at present. [See the introduction details of Hengtai Xiangyi Mansion]



Juzizhou, located in the center of Xiangjiang River in Yuelu District, Changsha City, Hunan Province, with an original area of about 17 hectares and an overall developed land area of 91.64 hectares, is the largest sandbar among many alluvial sandbanks in the lower reaches of Xiangjiang River. It is known as "the first continent in China". From south to north, it runs across the center of the river, faces Yuelu Mountain in the west, faces Changsha City in the east, is surrounded by water on all sides, stretches for more than ten miles, and is about 40 meters in the narrow part, The width is about 140 meters across, in the shape of a long island. There are many scenic spots in Juzizhou, such as Mao Zedong's Youth Art Sculpture, the Sky Quest, etc. It is recorded in history that Juzizhou was born in Emperor Huidi Yong of Jin [View details]

400-763-1618 turn twenty-six thousand three hundred and thirty-three

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