Special Louxun

 Vientiane New World Phase II

Wanxiang Xintiandi must see project

Shenzhen Luohu District | 26000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn fifty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-five
Grab special houses
 Baigou Lexianghui

Baigou Lexianghui preferential houses

Xiong'an New Area - Xiong'an New Area | 7000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn ninety-one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven
Grab special houses
 Zhonghai Haiheji

The sea ends in Tibet and gathers here

Shanghai Yangpu | 121000/m2
400-763-1618 turn twenty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-two
Grab special houses
 Hefei Expressway No.1

Lakeside Guimai Pure Mansion

Hefei Binhu New Area | 40000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn sixty thousand three hundred and sixty-six
Grab special houses

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¿Cuánto hay que rebajar para vender una vivienda? INFOGRAFÍA

Los propietarios que vendieron su vivienda en 2015 tuvieron que rebajar, de media, un 14% el precio inicial, lo que traducido en euros equivale a 33.000 €. Así se desprende de la encuesta “Experiencia de venta de vivienda de los españoles en 2015”, realizada por fotocasa por sexto año consecutivo

Over half of the buyers in Valencia, Spain * * quarter are overseas buyers

In the first three months of this year, more than half of the houses sold in Valencia were purchased by overseas buyers. There is no doubt that the collapse of Spanish house prices has attracted many overseas investors, but only private investors. According to the data of the Ministry of Infrastructure of Valencia, foreigners bought 3414 houses in Valencia in the first quarter of this year, accounting for an average of the total. The number of houses purchased by local residents is only 3765. Therefore, according to the growth rate, foreigners will buy 13600 houses in Valencia this year. The Ministry of Infrastructure said that for both the autonomous region of Valencia and the rest of Spain, the purchase of houses by foreign investors is the key point to stimulate economic activities, which is also conducive to employment growth. Recently, Sareb Bank, Spain's state-owned "bad debt bank", has sold its first real estate portfolio project, which is a great help for it to sell a large number of other non-performing assets from problem banks

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