Special Louxun

 Vientiane New World Phase II

Wanxiang Xintiandi must see project

Shenzhen Luohu District | 26000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn fifty-three thousand one hundred and sixty-five
Grab special houses
 Baigou Lexianghui

Baigou Lexianghui preferential houses

Xiong'an New Area - Xiong'an New Area | 7000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn ninety-one thousand three hundred and ninety-seven
Grab special houses
 Zhonghai Haiheji

The sea ends in Tibet and gathers here

Shanghai Yangpu | 121000/m2
400-763-1618 turn twenty-six thousand three hundred and seventy-two
Grab special houses
 Hefei Expressway No.1

Lakeside Guimai Pure Mansion

Hefei Binhu New Area | 40000 yuan/m2
400-763-1618 turn sixty thousand three hundred and sixty-six
Grab special houses

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More than 180000 Chinese legally registered in Spain live in Madrid

According to the Spanish Oulang website, at the end of each year or at the beginning of the next year, the Spanish Statistical Office will release detailed statistical data of many social fields in the past year. This will also include general and disaggregated data on various immigrant groups in Spain. As an important part of Spanish immigrants, Chinese in Spain is also listed separately. Now, let's take a detailed look at the number, geographical distribution and industries of Chinese in Spain through various statistical data. How many Chinese are there in Spain? According to the statistics of the Spanish National Bureau of Statistics by the end of last year, there are 186031 legally registered Chinese in Spain. Most of these ethnic Chinese in the West live in Madrid, the capital, with a total of 49831 people. Catalonia has the second largest number of Chinese, with 49773 Chinese settling there. The third is Valency

European investment immigrants have a "map" to avoid risks

"250000 euros to invest in Greek real estate, the whole family will migrate to Europe, and travel freely to 26 countries." The advertising slogan is accompanied by pictures of European style houses under the blue sky. In the circle of friends of the European immigration consultant Miss Yin, there are many similar immigration projects, and the scenery and description can not help but fascinate people. After Canada announced the "one size fits all" cancellation of the federal investment immigration program, Australia also adjusted the SIV investment projects of 5 million Australian dollars and reduced the corresponding quota, and the EB-5 investment immigration projects in the United States will also be tightened. Obviously, the attraction of the main destinations of these traditional immigrants has gradually decreased, while Europe and other places have gradually become emerging regions for investment immigrants. At the same time, affected by the European debt crisis, some countries, such as Portugal, Cyprus and Hungary, have also begun to liberalize investment migration in order to boost their economies. Compared with Canada, Australia and the United States, the investment threshold is low, and the residence time of immigrants (commonly known as "immigration supervision") is required

Real estate prices in major European cities are the lowest in Madrid and Barcelona

According to the website of the China Business Consulting Office in Spain, citing the Spanish "Development News" on May 13, Coldwell Banker, the largest real estate brokerage company in the United States, recently released a report on the European real estate market, pointing out that Madrid and Barcelona, Spain, whether new housing, luxury housing or second-hand housing, have unit prices per square meter far lower than other major European cities. The price per square meter of newly built housing in the center of Monaco is the highest, at 80000 euros, followed by London, Milan, Paris and Rome, at 8500-11500 euros. The price of similar housing in Madrid is only 5600 euros. The ranking of luxury housing prices is basically similar, and the prices are higher than the prices of new housing in the city center, except for Monaco, where the price of such housing is 60000 euros lower than the price of new housing in the city center. Madrid and Barcelona are at the lower middle level in the ranking of second-hand housing prices

Real estate investment prospects in Madrid and Barcelona, Spain are promising

The 2013 World Investment Report of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development shows that China is currently the world's third largest exporter of funds for international investment. In 2012, the amount of overseas direct investment reached 84 billion dollars, just behind the United States and Japan. Best investment opportunity In addition to the traditional United States and Oceania, more and more investors are looking west. According to CBRE's statistics, Asian (mainly Chinese investors) real estate investment in Europe reached a record 9923 million euros in 2013, accounting for 43.1% of all European real estate investment. In June this year, Dalian Wanda Group's subsidiary Renville Invest formally purchased Madrid's landmark building "Spain Tower" at a price of 265 million euros, which will be another topic of "investment in Europe" that has been warming up

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