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Zhang Ziran's personal blog is free to sponsor personal blog space

This article was last updated on January 6, 2017 Free resources , Blog Announcement

Zhang Ziran strongly suggests applying for the use of Free space provided by Alibaba Group (More stable and reliable than that provided by Zhang Tianran):


Since Zhang Ziran himself was looking for free space everywhere when he first came into contact with the Internet, he deeply understood that he wanted to be a website and a blog but suffered from the pain of no space and no domain name.

After deep consideration, Zhang Ziran plans to sponsor the provision of free php space. Although there are many free spaces at present, for example, Zhang Ziran's personal blog free resources column has many free spaces. But Zhang Ziran plans to sponsor a blog host.

If you do a good job, you can provide com, cn, and other domains for free

As for the sponsorship conditions, they are very strict!!!!!! (Scan the party, hang up the party, and move aside to collect the party.):

The number of original articles on blogs or other third-party platforms shall not be less than 50. (At this point, you may say that it is not so simple. Right, it is so simple. You may say that it is not free. If you stop one day, I can't say anything. Then make a link for me, and let me take the space for your link.)

Since the actual number of sponsorship is very small, I will check the website content regularly. Cannot violate national laws, copyright, moral bottom line!!! relevant.....

As for server configuration, I am not a local tyrant. At present, the sponsored machine is not a server, but an ordinary virtual machine or vps.

As for the record keeping, it can be put in Hong Kong or Taiwan or South Korea for the time being. In the future, I would like to put on record and return to China.

To apply, Please click here to get Zhang Ziran's personal blog contact information , email contact (although there is contact information such as qq, but only email is provided to apply for free space), talk about your ideas, send your website and your works to me for appreciation.

Finally, the beauty benefits:


  1. Welfare Gate
    The personality of the blogger is worthy of affirmation. I hope to make friends
  2. New Valley Network
    I don't know whether it's the network or the reason why I talked too much. The comments are a bit stuck
  3. Cui Congcong's Blog
    Why didn't you see it earlier.. I've seen it for a long time..
  4. Han Hongzhi
    I have blogs from Sina, Phoenix, Tianya, Netease, Sohu and Alibaba. My personal blogs can't play. They have domain names, but they don't build websites or buy space. If you can, sponsor me!!!
  5. Maas
    This is a benefit
  6. Personal blog ad unified name
    It's not expensive to buy space by yourself.
    • Zhang Ziran's Personal Blog
      I don't know what to say about this. I also came from that stage. In short, I only give it to those who need it most, In addition, Zhang Ziran's personal blog comments are basically manually checked, so no advertising comments are allowed. Thank you for your cooperation.
  7. Ball
    The blogger has a good idea.
  8. Aifei Group Ahui
    My blog is personal. Can I cooperate with the blogger?

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