Big front-end D8 4.0 theme free download

 Big front-end D8 4.0 theme free download
Many people on the Internet want the topic of the big front-end d8, but they don't know how to use it in practice. So Zhang Ziran shares the topic of d8 4.0 for free. Please be sure to delete it within 24 hours, and it should not be used for any commercial purposes. If you need to continue using, please purchase the genuine version, support the big front end, and support Haozi. As for the update content of Big Front End 4.0, the following is from the official website (download link and demo address are at the bottom): D8 Theme 4.0 Revision Project: The newly revised mobile terminal list basically meets the previous 10% user needs; Baidu Share is upgraded to 2.0, you can set your own

HotNews wordpress template - gorgeous but concise personal blog template

 HotNews wordpress template - gorgeous but concise personal blog template
HotNews wordpress template is a wordpress template currently used by Zhang Ziran's personal blog. It is produced by Brother Bird, simple but gorgeous. As for the detailed introduction, I wrote an article to thank Brother Bird when I changed it. Please move on. Zhang Ziran's Blog Changes Hotnews Theme As usual, first go to the screenshot of the HotNews wordpress template, and then go to the download address of the HotNews wordpress template and the demo address of the HotNews wordpress template official website. HotNews wordpress template: Zhang Ziran's personal blog cdn download official download address HotNews wordp...

Elegant Box wordpress template - Ultra simple personal blog template

 Elegant Box wordpress template - Ultra simple personal blog template
Elegant Box wordpress template is a super simple personal blog template, which is also the first Wordpress template used by Zhang Ziran's personal blog. As for why we need to open a new category to introduce website templates, because Zhang Ziran has collected some resources recently, and thinks that personal blogs should not only keep records, but also share, answer and discuss questions. Well, don't talk nonsense. First, take the screenshot of Elegant Box Wordpress template, and then take Ele