Zhang Ziran's personal blog comment link jump is not open to the public, and illegal use will jump to this page.

 Zhang Ziran's personal blog comment link jump is not open to the public, and illegal use will jump to this page.
Zhang Ziran's personal blog comment link jump is not open to the public, and illegal use will jump to this page. If you really need to use this function, we recommend you to use the free short website of Sifang Youth provided by Zhang Ziran's blog: dwz.zhangziran.com Or refer to this article to deploy link jump codes: WordPress commenter link redirection jump code //www.zhangziran.com/wordpress-pinglunzhe-lianjie-chongdingxiang-tiaozhuan-daima.htm

On July 15, 2012, Zhang Ziran's personal blog was cleared of a large number of meaningless comments and garbage comments

 On July 15, 2012, Zhang Ziran's personal blog was cleared of a large number of meaningless comments and garbage comments
Zhang Ziran's blog started to clean up meaningless comments today after the one on June 12, 2012. Please don't send spam comments or meaningless comments again. What I mean by meaningless comments is comments irrelevant to the content of the article!!! Now, Zhang Ziran's personal blog comments are manually reviewed. If you send them, they won't show up. It's better not to send them! Zhang Ziran sincerely hopes that SEOER will not become a producer of Internet spam!!!! Today, some meaningless comments were deleted. Some may not be sent by the machine, but they are really meaningless comments. Zhang Ziran is deeply sorry for this!

Modifying the title and keywords leads to the reduction of Zhang Ziran's blog ranking and inclusion

 Modifying the title and keywords leads to the reduction of Zhang Ziran's blog ranking and inclusion
In the recent month, with Zhang Ziran's in-depth understanding of the website's SEO and the adjustment of the blog's own positioning, Zhang Ziran will later position Zhang Ziran's blog on his personal blog, and the keywords have also been modified into a series of personal blog keywords. Before changing the keywords, he read some articles on the network and pointed out that modifying these things will lead to a decline in the ranking of the website, The number of websites included has decreased, even K stations. I didn't expect it to be true, but it has no impact on Google, Souso, etc. It seems that it only has impact on Baidu! Of course, Zhang is not specialized in website or code, website blog is just my personal hobby

On June 12, 2012, the blog's meaningless comments were cleared

 On June 12, 2012, the blog's meaningless comments were cleared
Zhang Ziran's blog has completely cleaned up meaningless comments. Please don't post spam comments or meaningless comments again. What I mean by meaningless comments is comments that have nothing to do with the content of the article!!! The famous scholar Professor Yang Yusen has a very good passage in the Guardian of Soul: "No matter what changes happen to literary concepts and forms, it will be the eternal pursuit of literature to pay attention to reality, think about life, resist evil, work hard, cultivate the sound personality and good sentiments of the public, and promote the progress of human civilization." Similarly, no matter how the society develops, The pursuit of beauty is always the eternal pursuit of human society

Promotion effect of Zhang Ziran's personal blog as of May 19, 2012

 Promotion effect of Zhang Ziran's personal blog as of May 19, 2012
As of today, Zhang Ziran's personal blog has been established for six months and 16 days. I used my domain name zhangziran.com to search on Google and found 4390 query results that match zhangziran.com. I searched on Baidu and found 356 results! Record it Baidu included: 358 anti links: 876 Google included: 1080 anti links: 5 Soso: 299 anti chain: 315 google pr=2 Baidu snapshot or the next day Starting today, Zhang Ziran's blog will mainly promote the keyword "personal blog" I am a personal blog. All pr snapshots are god horses

A must see article in a natural personal blog (updated again on June 14, 2014)

 A must see article in a natural personal blog (updated again on June 14, 2014)
When you visit Zhang ZiRan's personal blog (ZhangZiRan.com), I will give you my most sincere thanks! Friends who come to my blog for the first time, please remember the domain name of my blog! My blog domain name is also easy to remember, that is, Zhang Ziran Quanpin. com. Or you can add this blog to your favorites. You are welcome to give me some advice when you have nothing to do. I will be all ears In addition, if you have original works that you think are very good, you can also publish them in this blog to share with everyone. In order to ensure the quality of pictures and texts, please send an attachment to my