The main difference between XHTML and HTML

 The main difference between XHTML and HTML
Since Zhang Ziran is learning html recently, I will organize an article about the difference between html and xtml! The difference between HTML and XHTML In brief, XHTML can be regarded as the XML version of HTML. In order to meet XML requirements, XHTML syntax is more stringent. The following are the major differences between XHTML and HTML: XHTML requires proper nesting All XHTML elements must be closed XHTML case sensitive XHTML attribute values should use double quotation marks XHTML replaces the name attribute with the id attribute Processing of XHTML special characters XHTML requires proper nesting The following is positive

Meaning of frequently encountered HTTP status codes

 Meaning of frequently encountered HTTP status codes
Common HTTP status codes are: 200 - The server returns to the webpage successfully 404 - The requested page does not exist 503 - Server Timeout The list of other frequently encountered HTTP status codes is as follows: HTTP Status Code Summary Description The server has successfully processed the request and provided the requested web page. 204 The server successfully processed the request, but nothing was returned.      301 The requested page has been permanently moved to a new location. When URLs change, 301 code is used. Save the new URL in the search engine index. Do not use redirection more than 5 times per request

Tips and writing of robots. txt

 Tips and writing of robots. txt
The writing method of robots.txt is quite important. If it is not written properly, it may cause the search engine to fail to capture the website content, which will directly cause the website content not to be included and other problems. In order to avoid such consequences, I hope you will carefully read the content of this article, and Zhang Ziran will introduce the writing method of robots.txt in detail in this article, as well as some common use techniques Tips and writing of robots. txt First of all, when a spider comes to our website, the first thing is to check whether there is a robots.txt file on the website, read the file, and determine some rules of the blog, just like when a person goes to a certain country

Summary of. htaccess application skills

 Summary of. htaccess application skills
This article was updated on March 11, 2012! Zhang Ziran has sorted out all the application skills of. htaccess I know. If you know more, you can help me to add!! Introduction to. htaccess: The. htaccess file (Hypertext Access file) is a very powerful configuration file of the Apache Web server. For this file, Apache has a bunch of parameters that allow you to configure almost any function you want The htaccess configuration file adheres to a Unix culture - use an ASCII plain text file to configure your website's access policy. Zhang Ziran kindly reminds: ...

Advanced syntax of webmasters' common search engines

 Advanced syntax of webmasters' common search engines
Baidu Search Advanced Syntax 1. Limit the search scope to the page title - intitle The title of a web page is usually a summary of the content of the web page. Sometimes good results can be achieved by limiting the query content to the page title. The way to use it is to use "integer:" to lead the key parts of the query content. For example: seointitle: zhangziran 2. Limit the search scope to specific sites - site Sometimes, if you know that there is something you need to find in a site, you can limit the search scope to this site to improve the query efficiency. Make