Comment Wordpress personal blog background or foreground Google font method

 Comment Wordpress personal blog background or foreground Google font method
  I was a little busy recently, so I haven't updated my blog for a long time. Zhang Ziran took the time to open WordPress background today to update the article, but the background loading was extremely slow. At first, she thought that MySQL had failed or the server had a problem! However, after checking, it was found that only the Google fonts page had been loading all the time. Then it occurred to me that it might be because Google's entire service had been blocked recently, so Zhang Ziran's personal blog had no choice but to comment on the background Google fonts of wp. The method is attached below. There are many methods, including plug-ins, such as Disable Google Font; You can also manually

How to modify background profile information and bottom copyright information in wordpress

 How to modify background profile information and bottom copyright information in wordpress
The method of modifying background profile information and bottom copyright information of WordPress is very simple, and it is once and for all. Updating WordPress does not need to be modified again. Add the following code to functions.php in the theme root directory:   Remove WordPress version information of dashboard "Overview" //Remove the WordPress version information under the "Overview" of the dashboard - to sort out and share, reprint and indicate the source, thank you add_filter(‘gettext’, ‘remove_admin_stuff’, 20, 3); function remove_admin_stuff( $translated_text, $...

Recommended wordpress security and data cleansing plug-ins

 Recommended wordpress security and data cleansing plug-ins
WP Security Scan Everyone wants to keep their WordPress secure from hackers. Repairing damage and restoring lost content can be really disgusting and time-consuming, so it is best to take preventive measures before. This plugin scans your website for vulnerabilities such as file permissions. Everyone should get this plugin to keep their WordPress safe from any threats. WP-DB Manager It is very important to back up the data on your WordPress blog. You can easily lose all your data in case of hackers or any problems with your host company

Wordpress database batch search and replacement plug-in Search and Replace

 Wordpress database batch search and replacement plug-in Search and Replace
Note: This plug-in directly operates on the database, and all operations are irreversible. Backup is required before operation. 1、 Installation method of search and replace plug-in: After downloading and enabling, click "Tools", "Search&Replace" to operate 2、 Search and replace: Check "field" after "All only search!", enter the keywords to search in "Search for", and click "Go" to search. 3、 Search and replace: Check "..." after "All search/replace!"

Wordpress calls random articles without plug-ins and is compatible with inove series themes

 Wordpress calls random articles without plug-ins and is compatible with inove series themes
Adding random articles on the blog's article page can not only enhance the user's viscosity, but also turn over some previous articles from time to time, so as not to sink down. In addition to this, there is a more important role, that is, when the search engine crawls your articles, there will be changes every time, and at the same time, it can increase the internal links of articles. This is very useful for SEO optimization! There are two ways to add random articles in WordPress, 1、 Using plug-ins; 2、 Write your own code. First, there are many plug-ins, such as the Chinese toolkit, Random Pages Wi

Automatically add copyright information to WordPress blog posts without plug-ins

 Automatically add copyright information to WordPress blog posts without plug-ins
Zhang Ziran recently felt that for our personal blog, the articles we have worked hard to type out word by word have been copied by other websites, and the signature has changed into someone else's thing, which must be uncomfortable. None of the above says anything, but the most unbearable thing is that copying your article is better than you in Baidu ranking. Today, Zhang naturally said to add copyright to the bottom of Wordpress article! Maybe someone will say that, in addition, some people with bad character will remove the added copyright information, which can only be despised, plus the copyright information

How to perfectly import (migrate) zblog data to wordpress blogs

 How to perfectly import (migrate) zblog data to wordpress blogs
Zhang Ziran has used zblog before. Although he is very good and powerful, and many famous bloggers like Lu Songsong use zblog, Zhang Ziran still likes wordpress, because I personally think wordpress is more suitable for Zhang Ziran's blog. I used many blog programs before and finally decided to use wordpress, Wordpress has powerful functions, many users, and many plug-in styles. Business team development, security, and future upgrades are guaranteed. Moreover, many enthusiastic netizens have migrated plug-ins and themes of other programs to WordPress. Because I haven't used Wordpr before

It's time to batch delete the automatically saved revisions and drafts of the WordPress blog

 It's time to batch delete the automatically saved revisions and drafts of the WordPress blog
Today, Zhang Ziran's blog has been established for more than 4 months. Apart from the record time, it is even 3 months. Unconsciously, Zhang Ziran found that time passed quickly, and my article also published more than 100 articles. When I revised the article today, I found that Wordpress had a revised version. In fact, Zhang Ziran had seen it before, but it occupied a small database at that time, I didn't notice. Today, I have nothing to do, so I'll find a way to delete these revisions in batches (although there is a suggestion on the network to disable the revision function, Zhang naturally doesn't contact me to use it, after all, WordPress