Jpegtran – Download and use the jpeg image lossless compression tool recommended by Google

 Jpegtran – Download and use the jpeg image lossless compression tool recommended by Google
Introduction to jpegtran jpeg image lossless compression tool: Jpegtran image lossless compression bureau can simplify the image and reduce the image capacity, thus increasing the network transmission speed. Jpegtran is also one of the jpeg image compression tools recommended by google. Google original address: Official download address of jpegtran jpeg image lossless compression tool: official download address of jpegtran Jpegtran jpeg image lossless compression tool Zhang Ziran personal blog Cdn high-speed download address: jpegtra

OptiPNG – Download and use tutorial of png image lossless compression tool recommended by Google

 OptiPNG – Download and use tutorial of png image lossless compression tool recommended by Google
Introduction to optim png png lossless image compression tool: The optim png png lossless image compression bureau can simplify the image and reduce the image capacity, thus increasing the network transmission speed. It is also one of the png image compression tools recommended by Google. Google original address: The official download address of optipng png image lossless compression tool: optipng official download Optipng png Image Lossless Compression Tool Zhang Ziran Personal Blog Cdn High Speed Download Address: optipng Download optipng p...

Everything - The fastest file search software

 Everything - The fastest file search software
Zhang Ziran's personal blog believes that Everything is the fastest file search software in the world under the condition that the size of the software is the same. You can almost instantly search for the files you need. If you have used the search software that comes with Windows, and you are using Everything to search, you will feel that Everything is the fastest file search software in the world. Maybe if you have used the search tool provided by Windows, Locate32, Google Desktop Search or Baidu Hard Disk Search, Total Commander's search is not satisfactory because of speed or other reasons; That one will naturally recommend this

Notepad++free open source plain text editor based on GPL license

 Notepad++free open source plain text editor based on GPL license
\ Notepad++is a set of unique free software plain text editor (license: GPL), with complete Chinese culture interface and support for multi language writing (UTF8 technology). Its function is more powerful than Notepad in Windows. In addition to making plain text documents, it is also very suitable for editing computer programs. Notepad++not only has syntax highlight display, but also syntax folding function. It also supports macros and plug-in modules that expand basic functions. Zhang has always used this, and can also convert text formats. Notepad++...

7-Zip Open source compression software based on GNU LGPL license agreement

 7-Zip Open source compression software based on GNU LGPL license agreement
license agreement 7-Zip is an open source software. Most source code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license agreement. The AES code is released under the BSD license. The unRAR code is based on two licenses: GNU LGPL and unRAR restricted licenses. For more licensing information, see 7-Zip Licensing. You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including computers used for commercial purposes. Not donating or paying for 7-Zip does not affect your use. Main features of 7-Zip The 7z format using LZMA and LZMA2 algorithms has a very high compression ratio Support Formats

Some Chinese software in my own Pure Land, green, simple, wonderful and practical

 Some Chinese software in my own Pure Land, green, simple, wonderful and practical
Here is a list of some software that is usually Chinese, used and written in your Pure Land. Most of the collected software are tools that help you a lot in your own pure land. If you encounter any quality problems in the use of Chinese, please leave a message for me. ★ My localization (localization statement) FinalRecovery Chinese version+registration machine FinalRecovery is a powerful anti deletion software. In the standard mode, it can scan your hard disk, floppy disk and various removable storage devices at an extremely fast speed, and quickly find the deleted files and folders; If due to

Simply color black and white photos with Recolored

 Simply color black and white photos with Recolored
If you don't want to see Zhang Ziran's introduction, please go to the bottom of the article. There is a download address. Zhang Ziran recently had a black and white photo that needed to be colored, but I was a newcomer to ps, so I found Recolored, a free software for you, who is also a newcomer to ps like Zhang Ziran. Recolored, a free software, can easily color black and white photos; Maybe PS masters disdain these heresies, but there are many PS idiots like Zhang Ziran, aren't there? Look at the introduction of the website, you just need to load a black and white photo, and then determine some selected areas to be colored

Very small screen animation recording software S-Recorder Chinese version

 Very small screen animation recording software S-Recorder Chinese version
Introduction to S-Recorder screen animation recording software S-Demo is a software mostly used by green people to make green animation process. It can record any action on your screen and the moving process of the mouse, while using a high compression rate. Of course, the compression rate can be selected. Under normal operation, the file size generated per minute is about 200K (800x600x32bits). The files generated by S-Demo can be played by the S-Player provided with the software, or executable files can be generated, which can be played off S-Demo on MS-Windows 9X, NT&Windows2000 systems. Three types of