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Nine departments launched a campaign to thoroughly control pornographic and vulgar information on the Internet

This document was last updated on March 5, 2012 Mood essay

Zhang Ziran thinks that the country is going to act seriously. The news is as follows:

Xinhuanet, Beijing, February 27, led by the State Internet Information Office, a teleconference was held on the afternoon of February 27 by nine departments of the National "Anti pornography and Anti illegal" Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the Ministry of Culture, the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, and the General Administration of Press and Publication, We will deploy a nationwide campaign to crack down on the dissemination of obscene, pornographic and vulgar information via the Internet and mobile phones.

Wang Chen, Vice Minister of the Publicity Department of the CPC Central Committee, Director of the Central Foreign Publicity Office and the State Internet Information Office, made a mobilization speech at the meeting, and the heads of the National "Anti pornography and Anti illegal" Office and other departments put forward requirements for the system to actively organize and carry out special rectification work.

In his speech, Wang Chen stressed that the rectification of Internet pornography and vulgar information, and the purification of the Internet cultural environment are related to the vital interests of millions of families, the construction of socialist spiritual civilization, and the future of the country and the nation. All regions and relevant departments should conscientiously implement the important deployment of the Sixth Plenary Session of the Seventeenth Central Committee of the Communist Party of China on the development of healthy and progressive online culture and the central policy on Internet construction, application and management, conscientiously implement the important instructions of the central government on purifying the online environment and protecting the healthy growth of young people, and in accordance with the requirements of grasping the source, laying the foundation and cutting off the chain of interests, We will strengthen law enforcement on the Internet, focus on clearing up pornographic and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile media, crack down on illegal and criminal activities of spreading pornographic information on the Internet, resolutely cut off the interest chain of the dissemination of pornographic and vulgar information, comprehensively purify the Internet and mobile media environment, and create a good network environment for the healthy growth of young people, Create a good network cultural atmosphere for the successful convening of the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China.

The meeting pointed out that since the Yunnan on-site experience exchange meeting on the regulation of Internet and mobile phone pornographic information was held in December 2010, all regions, relevant departments and units have been well aware of, attached importance to, and acted quickly, and have continued to carry out a series of special governance actions such as the regulation and crackdown on illegal information about sex related drugs online, and illegal online public relations behaviors, The spread of pornographic and vulgar information on the Internet has been effectively curbed, and the network environment has been significantly purified. However, it is a long-term, arduous and complex task to rectify pornographic information on the Internet and mobile phones. In the recent period, the problem of spreading obscene pornographic and vulgar information on some websites has risen again. Especially with the fission development of network technology, the forms and channels of spreading obscene pornographic and vulgar information on the Internet have become more complex and diverse, and show some new features and trends, It is necessary to carry out a special action of in-depth rectification against the new situation and new problems in the work of regulating the dissemination of pornographic and vulgar information on the Internet and mobile media.

The meeting proposed that the main task of this special action is to vigorously control the key areas of online communication where pornographic and vulgar information is concentrated and people have strong reactions, resolutely close websites that are seriously in violation of laws and regulations, microblogs, social networking sites and instant messaging group accounts that disseminate pornographic and vulgar information, and investigate and deal with major cases of dissemination of online pornographic and pornographic information, Strictly punish illegal criminals according to law, investigate and punish a small number of enterprises that provide fees for pornographic and vulgar websites according to law, investigate and punish a small number of advertising alliances that advertise and promote pornographic and vulgar websites, clean up and rectify illegal access service providers, further strengthen website filing, approval and access management, and urge basic telecom operators, access service enterprises Domain name registration management and service agencies implement the information security management responsibility system, and further establish and improve the long-term working mechanism for preventing and investigating pornographic and vulgar information.

The conference deployed seven key tasks, including strengthening the management of key links in key online areas, severely cracking down on Internet and mobile phone pornography and crimes, widely mobilizing the public to supervise and report, and forming a strong public opinion against online pornography and pornography. The special action lasted six months from the beginning of March to the end of August.

The meeting was hosted by Qian Xiaoqian, deputy director of the Central Publicity Office and the State Internet Information Office. Jiang Jianguo, deputy group leader and office director of the National Working Group on "Cracking Down on Yellow River and Sweeping Africa", deputy secretary of the Party Leadership Group and deputy director of the General Administration of Press and Publication, Shang Bing, deputy minister of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, Zhang Xinfeng, deputy minister of the Ministry of Public Security, Li Xiaojie, deputy minister of the Ministry of Culture, Huang Danhua, deputy director of the State owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, Gan Lin, deputy director of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, and Tian Jin, deputy director of the State Administration of Radio. (Sun Mingquan, Guangming.com, Cai Lin)

This article was transferred from Xinhuanet and edited by Zhang Ziran to optimize the reading experience.

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