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The largest collection of free mailboxes used by countries

This article was last updated on December 29, 2014 Free resources

Well known email service providers, free mailboxes in various countries, and mailboxes with the largest number of users, now let's integrate

  • Visit the domain name of the suffix of the mailbox to register the corresponding suffix mailbox. Due to Zhang Ziran's rush to organize, some mail providers have stopped service. You can leave a message below for me, and I will deal with it in time. Thank you!!!!
    @Provided by gmail.com Google
    @Yahoo. com
    @Msn.com Provided by Microsoft
  • Common overseas mailboxes:
  • @hotmail.com
  • Common mailboxes in China:
  • Country or region common mailbox suffix:
  • Hong Kong, China: @hongkong.com
    Taiwan, China: @ SEED NET.TW
    Pakistan: @cyber.net.pk
    Oman: omantel.net.om
    Italy: @libero.it South Africa: @webmail.co.za
    New Zealand: @xtra.co.nz
    Singapore: @pacific.net.sg
    @FASTMAIL. FM UAE: @emirates.net.ae @ eim.ae
    Syria: @net.sy
    @Mail.sy Turkey: @ttnet.net.tr @Superonline.com
    Yemen: @yemen.net.ye @y.net.ye
    Cyprus: @cytanet.com.cy
    USA: @aol.com
    @comcast.net @warwick.net
    @comcast.net @cs.com
    Australia: @bigpond.com
    Greece: @otenet.gr
    Pakistan: @cyber.net.pk
    India: @vsnl.com
    @ sancharnet.in@NDF.VSNL.NET.IN
    New Zealand: @xtra.co.nz
    Russia: @yandex.ru
    Germany: @t-online.de
    Israel: @ NETVISION NET.IL
    Australia: @ BIGPOND NET.AU
    Russia: @ MAIL RU EV
    Thailand: @ ADSL LOXINFO.COM
    Syria: @ SCS-NET ORG
    United Arab Emirates: @ EMIRATES NET.AE
    Kuwait: @ QUALITYNET NET
    Israel: @ ZAHAV NET.IL @netvision.net.il
    Vietnam: @ hn.vnn.vn @ hcm.fpt.vn @ hcm.vnn.vn
    Japan @candel.co.jp
    Zambia: @zamnet.zm
    Argentina: @amet.com.ar
    Macedonia: @mt.net.mk
    Guinea: @sotelgui.net.gn
    Mexico: @prodigy.net.mx
    Bangladesh: @citechco.net
    Italy: @xxx.meh.es
    France: @wannado.fr
    Zimbabwe: @africaonline.co.zw
    Cote d'Ivoire: @aviso.ci
    Namibia: @mti.gov.na
    Nepal: @infoclub.com.np
    Tonga: @kalianet.to
    Azerbaijan: @mail.ru
    Indonesia: @dnet.net.id
    Brazil: @sinos.net
    Australia: @westnet.com.au
    Turkey: @mynet.com
    Macedonia: @mt.net.mk
    Ireland: @indigo.ie
    United Nations: @sbcglobal.net
    Saudi Arabia: @nesma.net.sa
    Mongolia: @mail.mn
    Germanic: @tiscali.co.uk
    Sweden: @caron.se
    South Africa: @vodamail.co.za
    Austria: @eunet.at
    Greece: @spark.net.gr
    Poland: @swiszcz.com
    France: @club-internet.fr
    Norway: @walla.com

  1. eidan
    How to buy your mailbox
  2. pinwei
    @What is the login website of tiscali.co.uk? I can't find it?

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