Parameters of Fijian k3c wireless router, enabling telnet

 Parameters of Fijian k3c wireless router, enabling telnet
It should be reminded that K3c uses nand48 pin flash, and Zhang Ziran suggests careful operation. Take responsibility for all consequences. It is emphasized that the reason for the 48 feet is that the non related employees generally have no tools or cannot weld well at all. Moreover, the corresponding programmer is not cheap compared with the router, and it is basically useless when playing with bricks. (Of course, I can play. For example, the big guys who use hg255d as a programmer, just ignore this.) Basic parameters and hardware information of Fijian K3c Unpacking Feixun K3c After the network cable is connected normally and the IP address is obtained, access the or (dns non routing cannot be used) configuration password and other information. Dismantle the machine

Forcibly delete onedrive and navigation shortcut of win10 9926

 Forcibly delete onedrive and navigation shortcut of win10 9926
There are many ways to disable onedrive in win8 on the Internet. The funny thing is that someone directly copied the way of win8 to win10, and Baidu's experience can also be reviewed and approved. There is also a way to enable or disable the onedrive group policy. Zhang Ziran's personal test is invalid! Of course, Zhang Ziran can't completely delete the onedrive registry in this way, but out of sight, out of mind. At least the resource manager and onedrive in the lower right corner have disappeared. I believe that I will not pursue perfection too much if I can tolerate the estimation of win10. The main program of win10 9926 onedrive is uninstalled

Win8.1 How to delete SkyDrive automatic synchronization and remove the taskbar icon

 Win8.1 How to delete SkyDrive automatic synchronization and remove the taskbar icon
The following natural personal blog wants to share with you the method of Win8.1 to delete SkyDrive automatic synchronization and remove the taskbar icon, Win8 Microsoft has highly integrated some of its services and systems, but skydrive is not competitive with domestic nT's online disks, and it has always been automatically synchronized. For friends who are not ssds, it is Yalishan. For example, Zhang Ziran, who is SkyDrive himself, has always been synchronized in the background. Win8.1 originally optimized the disks, so that he can return to Win8 instantly. Stop talking nonsense and step into the theme. If you don't use SkyDrive (OneDrive) or

VPS simple performance test commands - collect for own use

 VPS simple performance test commands - collect for own use
The following sources are from the Internet The Top command displays the actual CPU usage. By default, it displays the CPU consuming task information on the server and refreshes every 5 seconds. You can classify them in many ways, including PID, time, and memory usage. The load average in the first line is the system load, that is, the overall VPS resource usage. If a normal site is built, it rarely exceeds 5; In the third line, this is the CPU resources. And the back??% The wa is the hard disk status. Normally, the CPU should not exceed 30% of the. wa index

SDNS CNNIC free public resolution service

 SDNS CNNIC free public resolution service
SDNS is a free public resolution service product launched by China Internet Network Information Center (CNNIC). It aims to provide users with fast, safe and green online access resolution services. The services provided by SDNS can increase the speed of browsing websites and prevent accidental access to illegal websites containing phishing and malicious trojans. You may also ask what is DNS? DNS is the abbreviation of computer domain name system (Domain Name System or Domain Name Service), which is composed of resolver and domain name server. Domain name server refers to the domain where all hosts in the network are stored

7-Zip Open source compression software based on GNU LGPL license agreement

 7-Zip Open source compression software based on GNU LGPL license agreement
license agreement 7-Zip is an open source software. Most source code is distributed under the GNU LGPL license agreement. The AES code is released under the BSD license. The unRAR code is based on two licenses: GNU LGPL and unRAR restricted licenses. For more licensing information, see 7-Zip Licensing. You can use 7-Zip on any computer, including computers used for commercial purposes. Not donating or paying for 7-Zip does not affect your use. Main features of 7-Zip The 7z format using LZMA and LZMA2 algorithms has a very high compression ratio Support Formats

Simply retrieve files deleted by mistake and empty the recycle bin by modifying the registry

 Simply retrieve files deleted by mistake and empty the recycle bin by modifying the registry
Zhang Ziran accidentally deleted the file today. When she tried to retrieve it through the recycle bin, she found that she had emptied the file in the recycle bin due to her cheap hands. So today, Zhang naturally teaches you a way to simply retrieve deleted files. Generally, as long as your computer or server has not run disk defragmentation. The system is intact. Files at any time can be found by this method. Well, let's stop talking nonsense. Zhang Ziran provides you with the method of modifying the registry. Zhang Ziran reminds all friends that there is a risk in modifying the registry. Please first back up the registry (backup method: file export, restore

Windows 7 My computer does not display printers, small cameras and other hardware solutions

 Windows 7 My computer does not display printers, small cameras and other hardware solutions
Many people upgrade from XP system to Win7 system because of the magnificence of Win7. I don't know if this is the reason why you upgrade from XP system to Win7 system, but Zhang is naturally due to this reason anyway. The trouble many friends have with upgrading to Windows 7 is that there are many differences between their usage habits and XP, but Zhang naturally thinks nothing of it, because Windows 7 provides gorgeous effects and powerful functions, and this sacrifice is nothing! The following page will naturally introduce a practical skill of Win7 -- Windows 7 My Computer does not display printers, small cameras and other hardware solutions. Zhang Ziran first told friends about the window